Music Room....

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I made my way up to the music Room after my last lesson, "Mr Simpson" a teacher jogged up to me, "yeah" i smiled, "i have your room number you'll be sharing with a Mr Connor Ball I saw you were getting along so i put word in", the tall male teacher smiled at me, "thanks sir" I smiled as he held me the piece of paper, "no this is college brad, call me Tom" he insisted, "thanks tom" I said as he left, I then headed for the music Room.

When I made it to the music room I was pulled into a huge hug by Connor, "I just heard we're roomies" he screeched, "yeah" I smiled at him, "guys get yo asses over here" Tristan called to us as he sat down to his drum kit, "so brad we're going to give you a go at lead vocals whilst you play an instrument of your choice, and we're doing a cover to put on YouTube so no pressure, and Sara from Cheeky Mess is helping us film cos I said we'd help her, hope that's ok" James smiled, "no that's fine" I smiled,"good and don't get put off by Sara's good looks, she's a nice girl but she's not worth drooling over, she's already got a zoo full of people doing so" Connor butted in, "Connor there was no need for that" Tristan giggled, "well she'll be here soon we've got the list of songs you can choose from" James said handing me a piece of paper, I looked through all of the songs, "How 'bout Just give me a reason by Pink" I looked up at James, "Yeah sure and what instrument you playing?" He asked, "I'm gonna say the piano" I smiled, "okie dokie then" James said happily, "we just need Sara, she has the opening scene where you brad will introduce us somewhere in the college" Tristan explained, "oh ok I understand I think", just as I said this the blonde I saw earlier in reception walked in, "Hey guys you ready" She smiled at us, I just gulped as quietly as I could, "Dude keep it cool" Connor nudged me and smiled, "Bradley is it? yeah I remember you from reception this morning, you been dragged here with these fools", she giggled, "gee thanks Sara" James smiled, "so what song have you chose from the list" she asked, "Just give me a reason by Pink" James smiled, "oh goody come on" she smiled, "where we going this week?" Tristan smiled at her, "the canteen" she said skipping off.

When we got to the canteen it was just empty, it looked different, "so who's introducing this week" she asked setting up the camera, "Brad-" "I've just thought of a name for the band" Tristan butted in really excited, "and what is it" James smiled, "The Vamps" he said really excited, "Although Vamps sound like chavy vampires, I like it" James giggled, "so we're the Vamps now" Connor smiled, "yup" James smiled, "can we just film please" Sara laughed, "fine your Highness" Tristan smiled walking into the room where the instruments where, "Brad you start in the room when I say action walk out your lines are on the door, I'll give you a minute to learn them" she smiled at me and I felt my cheeks heat up so I quickly turned around and walked into the room.

-After Filming-

"Wow Brad that was amazing" James smiled at me, "Yeah Brad you're really talented" Sara smiled a me causing my cheeks to heat up again, "thanks" I smiled.

Me and Connor went back to our room, James went helping Sara out, and Tristan walked off with a girl I can't remember the name of, but she was with Sara, "Brad where you crushing over Sara" Connor smiled cheekily at me, "what" I looked at him oddly, "oh you poor soul" Connor smiled at me, "shut up". 

Lovestruck (Bradley Simpson/The Vamps)Where stories live. Discover now