Too much to Drink....

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Guys mature chapter beware don't read if sex isn't your thing x


We all went out for a meal after working till 3. When we got there James ordered the drinks, me Brad Connor and the other girls were only 17. I had vodka and coke as did Brad. 

At the end of the meal me and Brad overall had, had 10 Vodka and Coke's between us, quite frankly we where pissed out of our minds, "James please can I have jus one more" I fluttered my eyes at him, "Sara, you've had quite enough" James looked at me with his eyebrows raised, "but pleeeeaaaaase" I begged, "no, you can only just stand up after 5" James giggled slightly, I crossed my arms a pouted like a child, "Brad sort your bae out" Charlotte looked at Brad who was half asleep, "what, mm, k come on lets take you home" Brad looked at me weary eyed, but he dragged me home anyway.


Me and Sara went back to the Cheeky Mess band house and we were both really drunk, she pulled me upstairs and kissed me as she closed the door, she would tug on my hair slightly when she stopped, and kissed me softly, I kissed her neck and moved my hands to her back and as she started to undo the button on my pants, I unzipped the back of her dress and pushed it down off her. I did all of this with my eyes half open.

Soon our clothes where on the floor, we stood pressed against each other as our hands searched each others backs and we kissed lightly, "shall we" Sara bit her lip and smiled, I nodded slightly, and we made our way to the bed and as she felt the bed on her legs she fell back, I kissed her weakly no energy in my body.

She moaned in pleasure as I entered her, my thrusts weak from the alcohol, but strong enough that we both could enjoy ourselves, "fuck" she smiled biting her bottom lip, I nodded slightly, I thought I was gonna fall asleep, when I released, I pulled out and flopped down next to her, I smiled before closing my eyes, I felt her kiss my forehead before snuggling up next to me.

When I wok I had a banging headache and from the sound of the moan Sara did wen she woke up, she did to. "hello" Tristan said smiling at us from the door, "oh shit" I said falling off the bed, "hey Tris what the hell" Sara looked at him rubbing her eyes, "I'm gonna leave you two to get changed" he put his thumbs up at us before leaving, "wait... what... crap" Sara said noticing she was nude, "I'm guessing we shagged, am I right" she looked at me, "yeah" I said putting some clothes on, "oh god" Sara moaned getting up, putting her t-shirt on and going to the bathroom.

"Brad if we shagged, where's the Johnny" Sara asked when she got back, "um... I don't know, I can't remember where I-" I cut off remember I never actually wore it, "oh no, don't give me that face" She said looking rather worried, "fucking hell" she said flopping onto the bed, "look, I'm sure we're fine" I sat down next to her trying to comfort her, "yeah I mean I only just finished ladies time of the month if you get me" she sad standing up sounding a little relieved, "yeah so I'm sure everything's good" I smiled kissing her cheek and leaving the room.

Sorry for the short chapter hope you enjoyed it xx

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