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theo | aphrodite

Hey, what are you doing?

Still recovering my brain from the torturous physics class that I had...

Come on it wasn't that bad

The lesson wasn't that bad but the physics was.

at least you gotta see my face

Isn't that a positive?

Ugh it made the whole ordeal worse

I thought you were gonna be in the scruffiest clothes, looking like death

But no you gotta be in fucking tommy looking like you just came out the shower

Uhm well, I did kinda...



uhm me?

since we were going to start with the class I thought I would get refreshed...

I am done.

d o n e


If you told me if you were gonna be dressed fancier I could have at least paid more attention to how I looked

Hahaha this is what this all about

You looked cute with your red nose and messy hair don't worry

I had a cold and I don't care...

you know the saying if you can't handle me at my worst you can't have me at my best


I never thought you to be the type to be self-conscious about how you look

Truthfully I am not but it kinda showed the massive divide between us

Ya know?


You know that's not going to stop us from being friends or anything?


*hair-flip* bitch YOU should be grateful that I am friends with YOU!

don't worry I am.

─ ·❆· ─ 

oops sorry y'all, i had to actually catch up on some assignments that i had due! i had time to quickly change the formatting for the other chapters but other than that not rlly anytime...

it's kinda the same today, for some reason all the teachers decided to crack down on us all and it's only wk 3 idk what is happening...*sighs*

i am dedicating this chapter @originalverbivore, thank you for taking your time to come and visit my book! i appreciate it so much! :D

well now i have to back to revising for my science test...i hope y'all like this chapter and wish me luck for my test!

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