6:15 a.m

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theo | aphrodite

Hey Teddy

it has been a few days since we have talked

I know you are reading this

look i am not going to force you to talk

but i am not going to give up either.

─ ·❆· ─ 

omfg 500+ views!!

aggghhh woah, it's barely been a month and i've already reached 500 views. like woah for my other book it took me nearly three months to get to at least 500.

like y'all thanks so much, y'all have no idea how much it means to me!

ok i know y'all be wondering why i hadn't updated yesterday and i had my reasons. i had to go to this concert and i only came back home around 12.

because of that, i have spent this whole day writing new chapters and i wrote freaking SIX chapters! like con-fucking-gratulation to me.

i am dedicating this chapter to @beautifulinblu thank you for being the first person to comment on my story! when y'all get time go check out her account!

i am so tired from writing all those chapters so i am just gonna leave it there, so thank you for continuing to read my story. press that star and leave a comment if you want!

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