Chapter Eight: Spiders

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"There they are" Jesse spoke softly, astounded

"How many can we see?" Arden returned to battle mode

"There are four" I answered "As soon as that second one drops, we stand. They'll come running straight for us"

"Why don't you just shoot them all with more arrows?" Jaxon asked

I turned my head to his position behind me "I try not to waste my arrows unnecessarily"

"Since when are you not up for a good old fashioned creature fight Jax?" Ronan menacingly teased his friend

Jaxon shrugged "I didn't say I wasn't"

"He's down" Arden's deep voice interrupted as I turned back to the action. The second creature had successfully pulled my arrow from its chest, a move that would have only urged his demise. Blood leaked from the tar of the shadows, its red gleam glistening as it traced into the sunshine.

"Ready boys?" Ronan cheerfully questioned before he stood keenly, the others quickly following him. The moment I stood, I turned and tossed my bow across the gravel, its wood sliding until it fell in the long grass in front of Austin and his brother Jarod, their faces frozen.

I needed my flexibility and the large bow constricted me. As fast as the creatures had begun towards us, I had pulled my hunting knife from my belt, ready.

The sun had played a thankful part on our side. I could smell the flesh of the creatures burning under the intense light. I could hear the slow hissing of skin melting away. All four creatures croaked out in pain as the boys advanced on them.
Arden had begun on a six foot tall lanky creature, his bare fist plummeting into its jaw as teeth scattered across the road. Jaxon dove straight into a woman creature pulling his twin knife of Coby's from the back of his pants, opting out from the all-too-loud shotgun. Ronan had tackled his small male creature to the ground and began to slice open its chest with his long blade in hand swiping back and forth. It was then as I took in the action around me, I noticed Jesse.

Jesse and his creature – a wide snarling male, where circling each other, tension brewing between the pair as they slowly edged around one other. I kept my gaze on all of the creatures and the boys, aiming to attack at the first struggle I saw.

Zack and Kyle had noticeably joined the fight. Kyle gave Jaxon a helping hand, kicking the knee of his creature out at an unnatural angle. Zach held his gun out in front of himself waiting towards the shadows in fear of more lurking demons. I realized Jesse and his creature to be the only ones in a showdown, it was taking too long and that made me nervous. I moved towards the back of the road where the two had held their hard glances on each other. I tightened my grip on my knife as I trudged forward.

Jesse menacingly held his sword in his right hand, the reflection of it glistening in the bright sun as he waited for the perfect opportunity to pounce.
I lurked closer unnoticed, until the creatures eyes suddenly turned on me, his left arm swinging quicker than I had imagined in my direction. The creature had been fast, but I had reacted faster and ducked narrowingly avoiding his strike. Without waiting, I lunged towards its body with my right hand and weapon. I placed all my weight forward, slamming the cold steel of my knife through its thick skin.
He began to thrash around roughly as I placed both my hands on my knife handle, yanking it free as I stumbled back, merely missing another deadly swipe of its sharpened claws. I contained my wobble in time to see Jesse swing his blade forward, the sheer sound of it passing through air powerful enough to slice open a metal cage. Before the creature had time to react, to move, it had been sliced straight through the middle.
Blood poured from its insides, its neck pulling back to release one last croak before it fell to its knees, defeated. Jesse slowly approached the dying demon, the look in his eyes truly frightening as he placed the tip of his blade under its chin tormentingly.

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