Interacting With Your Audience

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Now, I really shouldn't say anything with how slow I am to respond to people on my own books (mainly this one). But engaging with your audience helps a lot.

It doesn't matter what subject it may be (unless it's some type of troll or fight) it is great to talk to people in your comment section.

Just chit chatting and making some small talk will keep people engaged and will also make them appreciate you more as you're actually seeing the comments and not going "oh I'm so popular/superior so I don't have to talk" to them.

Back in my old version of Awakening, there's some moments where people enjoyed my story enough to comment. One reader actually made a comment on my characters Erik and Nic about how she was theorizing if I am going to make them a couple.

^^This above is an example where you tread lightly. Why?

Well, you don't want to spoil what's going to happen in the future correct?

I do have romantic pairs set for the future in that series, but I'm not saying who with who. But to respond to a comment like this or something else involving your story's plot and subplots is actually quite fun.

You can ask the reader a question on why they theorize. You can ask them what their favorite thing about this ship is to them. You can ask so many fun things to engage.

Another fun one is just seeing it for yourself for those two paired. Something like "They do seem like a cute couple, don't they?" or something like that is just as fun and can get the commenters excited.

These things are fun and also are a way to make friends here on Wattpad.

Another thing that's common is people saying they enjoy the story. Many times they say "This is awesome!", "I love this chapter", and many other things.

Depending on its wording, you can thank them or possibly respond to something else they've said too.

This above is simple and nice and makes many happy to see the author has acknowledged them. Little things like this make readers happy!

There is also simple things people say. Most of the time, it's a request (or ecstatic demand depending on how hyped they are about your book) to update your story.

While it isn't necessary to reply if it's a mass amount of people (as it may be a handful) you can make a generic comment in your own comment section to all of them saying your plans on updating.

You don't have to go into much detail. A simple "It will come!" works fine on its own.

If there's any comments that are feedback, critiques, etc, those are also good to respond to.
Note: bashing someone's book is not a critique. But critiques can be harsh depending on who's critiquing.

Usually a thank you is much appreciated as people are contributing to helping you improve your book. Suggestions to a story may be annoying too, but a thank you and saying "I already have it planned" is a good way to let them know you aren't changing plot, characters, pairing a couple, etc to what they want.

Best for all comments is to stay positive when replying back to people. If you feel upset with a critique or comment, you may delete it if it's that upsetting as it is your book.

And on top of positivity, if people do send hate, do not engage with the aggressive/troll audience of your book. Instead, delete their comments and block them if need be.

Hopefully this helps you all with communicating with readers better!

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