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So... I thought I'd talk about this since it does affect your readers and stats on a book.

Inactivity on Wattpad kills your increase of readers.

I know I'm currently in that boat with not updating often and barely logging in on the computer or app.

Rant Book
Last update: April 22, 2017
Reader/Vote Gain: minimal

Colliding Elements
Last update: February 3, 2017
Reader/Vote Gain: 1 read every 3 days.

This book
Last update: Technically today, but last chapter was March 27, 2017
Reader/Vote Gain: Moderate

I'd like to point out lesser works (and non-trending subjects) on your profile will suffer the most when inactive. Things like rant books, tip books, and any books in the high ranks will still flourish however.

I wish the opposite would happen, but sadly, it won't.

Staying active is key to doing well on here, especially if you want to keep readers engaged.

I currently have been going through chaos. From graduating high school to working my open house to landing a job as a sales associate. Oh, may I also mention I have to work on paying for my dorm this fall? I also need to buy a new drawing tablet for my major (rip bank account lol).

Now, while I may not be on that often, I'm still doing my best to not forget Wattpad.

Take note. What I'm about to say may help you too.

I write on here for any book in my drafts or published when I'm in a writing mood. And lately, I've been into the drama/paranormal type of writing, so Colliding Elements is kinda on hold 😅

But listen! It keeps me going here on Wattpad! So does socializing on books! I know this one girl just appeared a day or so ago, but she's keeping me on Wattpad with her awesome comments and sass/sarcasm. 😂 I forgot your username, but you know who you are!

So make sure to socialize and work on your books, even if it's just a word or two. Sure, you're not "active" for Wattpad standards, but it's a start to getting back into being here daily and publishing!

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