Chapter Six.

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Here it is..



Louis was immediately rushed to the hospital.

The fans that were present were causing such a dramatic commotion that the local police force was called to keep them calm. The girls were seeing red. Someone had dared to hurt one of their boys?!

Harry was no different. That was his Louis, his Boobear. He was blind with rage, furiously searching for the man who'd hurt his lover. To his extensive resentment, the man had disappeared in the frenzy.

Harry vowed to himself that somehow, he would find the man who hurt his Loubear. He was well aware that all the millions of One Direction fans would aid him without a second of hesitation.

For now, he needed to worry about Louis. He was extremely furious as well as anxious. The ambulance hadn't allowed anyone to ride in the car with him, as they weren't related to Louis by blood.

The boys piled into their van after assuring their frantic, angry, and fearful fans that they'd keep them updated on Louis' condition. Several fans attempted to follow the van and ambulance to the hospital, but were held back by the police.

The fans flocked around the hospital. It took a combination of security and several policemen to clear a path to the entrance. The boys hastily scampered into the hospital. They were devastated. They needed to see their friend.

Upon entering, Harry marched up to the receptionist and stated quickly, "I need to see Louis Tomlinson. Now."

"As do we!" Liam added, gesturing to himself, Niall, and Zayn.

The receptionist glanced up at them painfully slowly. She appeared extremely bored. "Sorry, but I can't allow you to visit Mr. Tomlinson. He is having an operation performed in the Intensive Care Unit at the moment."

Harry gaped. "Intensive Care?!"

"Yes, the ICU. Your friend was shot near his vital organs. It would be even stranger if he wasn't in Intensive Care. I must ask you to sit in the waiting room for now. I will call you over when you can see him."

"Please!" Harry begged, "I need to see him! just let me see him for a minute!"

"No one is allowed into the Intensive Care Unit while the patient is undergoing an operation."

"Please.." the Cheshire lad tried one more time, knowing it was in vain. He just need to see his Lou...


"Fine," Harry muttered and sulked over to the waiting room.

Harry dejectedly collapsed into one of the uncomfortable chairs. He buried his head in his hands. He ran his large hands over his face and through his hair. He was still a bit in shock about what had happened.

Niall plopped down beside Harry. The other boys followed suit. They patted the youngest member's back sympathetically.

"It'll be okay. He'll be okay." Zayn assured him.

Harry didnt speak. He just shook his head slowly, trying to understand. He was lost in his thoughts.

A man at their gig had a gun. A loaded gun. And nobody noticed. He tried to kill Harry.

But Louis jumped in front of Harry. He took the bullet. He was nearly killed. He was in the Intensive Care Unit.

All for Harry.

Louis did this all for Harry, who he had been angry at.

He had been angry at Harry, but still took a bullet for him.

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