Chapter One.

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

What was that sound? It was impossibly loud. And annoying.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Harry groaned and shoved his fluffy pillow over his face. The source of the irritating sound was his Irish roommate's alarm clock. It was far too early to be awake. He was absolutely exhausted from the concert of the night before.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The Cheshire lad reached out and fumbled for the alarm clock. His hands searched blindly for the snooze button before giving up. 

"Harry, it's time to wake up!" The cheerful blonde called from across the hotel room.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

To Harry's severe displeasure, the alarm clock was still blaring vociferously. He snuggled deeper into the sheets and mumbled, "Urrnnghh." 

He could do with a tad more sleep. Just one or two minutes...or twenty..

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Seriously get up, Harry. Liam's gonna start yelling if you're not up in like five minutes." 



The shrill cry of the alarm clock was seriously getting on Harry's nerves. It seemed like it was getting louder.. but that must've been the imagination of his sleepy mind.


The door slammed open. 

"OH FOR GOD'S SAKE NIALL! Would you turn that bloody thing off?!" Louis screeched, bursting into Niall and Harry's hotel room. 

"Sorry, Lou," Niall apologized sheepishly, "Harry wouldn't get up." 

"And you thought waking up every person in this hotel was a better idea than getting me or Liam?" 

"You wouldn't wake him up; you'd just keep him in bed longer!" Niall responded, winking.

Louis' face flushed at the suggestive comment as Niall walked out of the room and closed the door.

The Doncaster lad turned to see Harry smiling mischievously up at him, still sprawled across the bed.

"I wouldn't mind if you kept me in bed a bit longer, Lou," Harry said cheekily. 

"Shut up," Louis mumbled, blushing furiously, "It's almost time to go. We have rehearsal at 8:30." 

"But Looouu! I wanna sleep." Harry whined childishly. 

Louis crawled onto the bed beside Harry, wrapping his arms around the younger's thin waist and nuzzling his nose into the curls.

"But we also have to figure out what we'll say for the interview this week...” He whispered into Harry's ear. His teeth grazed the tender earlobe. 

"W-what interview?" Harry asked, extremely flustered. He lost all train of thought when he felt Louis' lips pressed to his neck.

"The big interview."

Harry whimpered as Louis pulled away. The atmosphere was suddenly serious; in three days was the interview where they were finally telling the truth. After months of debating and hesitation, they finally decided to come out as a couple.

Harry had been ecstatic when Louis agreed. He wanted to show the world who he belonged to, and that Louis was his and his alone. He wanted to be able to hold his beautiful boyfriend's hand in public, to kiss and touch and love him. He wanted this for them, so they could be together without anyone controlling them or trying to tell them what to do.

Louis had been against the idea at first. He was afraid of the hate and backlash they were sure to receive. But Harry had pointed out all the positives. They could show the world their love. They wouldn't have to lie to their fans anymore.

Inside, Louis was still a bit hesitant. But he would go through with this. He'd made a promise to Harry, and to himself. He would do this because Harry wanted it, and he'd do anything for his baby Hazza. 

"Are you sure you want this?" Harry asked tentatively. He could tell Louis was unsure of his decision from his facial expression.

"Yes," Louis replied. He kissed Harry's forehead, cuddling closer to the younger boy. Harry could clearly see the love and adoration in his clear blue eyes.

"Anything for you, my love."

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