Chapter Two.

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There's gonna be a lot of skipping between present and past in this story later on so I hope it doesn't confuse you or anything..

Without further ado, here's chapter 2! 

(That rhymed :D) 



Harry took one of Louis' cold, small hands in his own large one. He brought it up to his lips and kissed the knuckles gently. 

"I'm so sorry." He sobbed. Memories of the interview flooded his mind.


"And a warm welcome to our guests, One Direction!" The hostess exclaimed.

Liam ran onstage, waving at the cameras and grinning. He was followed by Niall, then Zayn, Louis, and Harry.

"Hello, boys! I'm Layla and as you know, I'll be interviewing you today!" The lady told them. "So how has the tour been?" 

"It's been a lot of fun," Liam answered. "It always is."

Layla asked some basic questions that they were used to. Then, the major question came.

"So we're dying to know. Who's single and who's taken?" 

Harry and Louis shared a quick glance. This was it. This was the big moment.

"Taken," Liam answered, smiling sweetly. 

Layla nodded. "Niall?" 

"Single," Niall replied. 


"Also single," Zayn replied. 

"And you Louis?"

Harry looked at Louis anxiously. The other boys gave him expectant, knowing glances.

Louis' heart rate increased. It was time to say it. Announce his and Harry's relationship. To millions of people. To the world. 

Sweat beaded on his forehead. He glanced at Harry, Layla, the waiting audience, then down at his hands. He panicked. He couldn't do this.

I'm so sorry, Harry... he thought.

"S-single." Louis mumbled. He couldn't force himself to look at the boys' shocked expressions, much less Harry's crestfallen and disappointed one.

"Really?" Layla asked. Even she seemed surprised. 

"What about Harry? You two seem to have a pretty strong relationship...” The interviewer asked, unsuccessfully trying to diffuse the obvious tension.

Harry sneaked a glance at Louis, wondering what he'd reply. Maybe there was hope...

"N-nah. That's just a bromance! We all have bromances... r-right Zayn?" Louis stuttered, throwing an arm around a confused Zayn. 

"Err.. yeah..." Zayn said, chuckling awkwardly.

Harry's hope to come out with Louis was crushed.

"And what about you, Harry?" Layla asked, "Single or taken?" 

Guilt twisted in Louis' stomach when he saw tears pooling in Harry's now dull green eyes.

"Single." Harry muttered coldly. He stared down at his white Converse, trying force himself not to cry while they were on live television.

He couldn't take it anymore. He stood up from the couch. Without a glance back he walked away, away from Louis and the interview that could have changed everything.

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