Chapter Four.

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Hello little snowflakes <3

Soo here's the next chaper.. and it's longer..

Hope you like itt (:



"Louis.. I'm so sorry this all happened. You have no idea.."

Harry was alone with Louis again.

Harry hated a lot of things. Right now, he hated himself. If he hadn't gotten drunk that night, he wouldn't have run into Emma or brought her home. They wouldn't have fought or broken up. And they probably wouldn't have had this whole shitload of problems.

Louis was actually wrong about Emma, but Harry wasn't about to blame him. He couldn't blame Louis for anything, no matter what.

He sighed, stroking Louis' hair absentmindedly. He wasn't sure which was worse: Louis lying unconscious in the hospital for the past two weeks, or the two weeks prior when they had been ignoring and avoiding each other intentionally.


Harry still couldn't wrap his head around what had happened days before. Louis had broken up with him.

He'd thought it was arduous when Louis had avoided him before the fight. Now, he was flat out suffering.

Louis had been staying with Zayn for the past few days. He hadn't looked at, spoken to, or made contact with Harry unless it was absolutely necessary. He sat as far away as possible from the younger boy at all times and never spared a glance in his direction.

Harry was breaking. He put on a brave face so the other lads wouldn't catch on as easily, though he knew they would eventually.

For now, he was keeping the misery to himself. He'd spend hours in his room wallowing in self-pity. He cried himself to sleep almost every night. He couldn't even eat properly. This was affecting him so negatively.

He couldn't even explain what happened to Louis. The older boy would walk away every time Harry came within a three meter radius of him.

Harry looked terrible. There were dark circles lingering under his eyes from lack of sleep. His green orbs appeared gloomy and lifeless, which basically reflected how he felt. He hardly smiled; he had no reason to. His skin was pale and taking on an unhealthy-looking shade.

The other boys weren't oblivious to these changes. They had no idea what had happened between Harry and Louis. They tried forcing them to eat, talk, do anything. Both boys seemed like hollow shells.

Harry was slowly becoming skinnier and skinnier. He wasn't starving himself. He just wasn't hungry anymore. Any food that was forced into him by the boys was bland and tasteless. They were terrified that Harry would fall ill from the lack of nutrition.

Little did they know, Harry was not the one who would be ending up in the hospital.


Louis' mum and younger sisters had come to visit Louis in the hospital. Harry refused to leave the whole time.

"You really love him, don't you?" The eldest of Louis' sisters, Lottie, queried.

"Yeah, I do. More than anything." Harry replied, not looking away from Louis.

"He loves you too, you know. A lot. He never stops talking about you. It's quite irritating sometimes." Lottie mused.

Half a smile appeared on Harry's face.

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