Chapter Thirty-Eight: Alex Annie Alexis Ann

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Weeks pass with no leads on Abaddon, though you and the boys have been on red alert since learning about the soul factories.

You take calls and track demonic omens well into the night. You work at the desk in your room, unable to handle the tension between you and Sam in the library any longer.

"All right, we'll see you soon." You hear Dean's voice travel through the hallway before he pokes his head into your room, cell phone in one hand.

"That was Jody. She's got a possible vamp nest, says she needs our help. Sam and I are leaving in ten."

"Jody Mills? Back in Sioux Falls—the sheriff?"

He nods. "How do you know her?"

"She was one of the only friends I had in that town. I can't tell you how many times her folks invited me over for dinner when we were kids. I think they felt bad because I grew up with the town drunk."

Dean laughs, a wistfulness in his eyes.

"How's she doing?"

"She's good," Dean says. "She asked about you, actually. What do you say the three of us roll up there for old times' sake?"

You pause, pretending to consider it, though you have your answer lined up before he asks the question.

"I'd better not," you finally reply. "Phones aren't gonna watch themselves. Besides, it's just a vamp nest. Doesn't sound like a four-person job."

Dean's face falls slightly with disappointment, but you suspect he knew what you would say.

"Tell her I said hi. And call if you need anything," you say.

He nods. "Yeah, will do."

When you hear the bunker door clank shut, you venture out into the library to work. You click around on your computer and flip through books the rest of the night. Once morning comes, you brew another pot of coffee and continue working. In the afternoon, you break for a supply run before returning to the books for the rest of the day.

Midnight creeps up on you. Your eyelids grow heavy, and your head nods forward. You consider another pot of coffee, but when you stand up to head for the kitchen, you can't bear the thought of staying awake any longer. Instead, you pack up your things and stagger through the halls to your bedroom.

Before you realize you're asleep, a growling sound startles you awake. Your hand grips the hilt of the knife under your pillow when you realize it was only your phone vibrating on your nightstand.

You settle into the bed again before reaching across and pressing a button.

"Yeah?" you moan sleepily.


Your eyes fly open and you gulp. "Sam? What's wrong?"

"We think Jody's in trouble," he says. "How fast can you get to Sioux Falls?"

"A couple hours," you say, shooting up from the bed.

"She said she was going to a family cabin on the edge of town. You know this area better than we do. We figured you might know where it is," he explains.

As he speaks, you hold your phone against your ear with your shoulder while you pull on clothes. "Yeah, I know it."

"Listen, she's with this girl, a blood slave. The nest is after her," he says.

"I'm on my way."

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Your tires skid over miles of the bright white snow as you speed along the familiar path to the cabin. You don't slow until the wood-paneled roof comes into view.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2018 ⏰

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