Chapter Three: Everybody Loves a Clown

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"Hey, (Y/N)?" Sam asks from across the table over the sound of tools and parts clanking from outside where Dean is attempting to repair the Impala.

You look up from the book you were poring over.  You were scouring texts for any information about demons you had not already known, trying to find a way to hunt the demon who had killed John Winchester.  As of yet, you have had no such luck.

Sam, who sits in the chair across from you, has been staring intently at the screen of the cell phone in his hand, occasionally punching in a few numbers or holding the speaker end to his ear.

"Hmm?" you ask, absentmindedly, text from the book still running through your mind though you look up at him.

"Do you know an Ellen?" he asks.

"Ellen Harvelle?"

"I'm not sure," he admits.  "She left a voice message on my dad's phone a few months ago.  It was the only one he kept."

"Slight country accent, no extra words, always sounds like she's in a hurry?"

"Sounds like her," Sam confirms.  "Who is she?"

Inconspicuously, you check behind you to make sure that Bobby is nowhere in sight before speaking, knowing that he would not approve of the boys knowing about the Harvelles.

"She's a hunter," you say.  "Well, ex-hunter.  I think she retired when her husband was killed a while back."

"Where can I find her?" Sam asks, forehead creased in focus.

You hesitate.  Sam and Dean looked up to their father, even through his faults.  The last thing you wanted to do was tarnish their image of John even further.  But what was the right way for them to find out that their father had gotten her husband killed?  You would not tell them, but you knew that if you introduced them to Ellen, they would find out eventually.

"(Y/N)?" Sam presses.

"She owns a bar a few hours' drive from here," you say, eventually deciding that they would find her, with or without your help.  "I can take you there."

"Are you sure?" Sam asks.  "I don't want to take you away from anything you need to do."

You shake your head, relieved to be taking a break from the reading.  "It's fine.  I've been needing an excuse to take the Marquis for a test drive anyway."

"All right," he says.  "Let's get Dean."

You were worried about Dean, and you knew Sam was too.  Since the moment Dean got back from the hospital, he had been working on the car, rarely taking breaks to rest or eat, a coping mechanism, you think.  But who were you to judge?  You were quite literally in the same place for the past two years.

"Hey," you call to Bobby from outside the door of his study, hoping he does not ask for too many details.  "I'm taking the boys out for a minute."

After a moment, you hear a soft, "Yeah," and know that it is your signal to go.

"You sure this thing is safe, (Y/N)?" Dean asks jokingly, sliding into the backseat after having been informed by Sam about Ellen.

"Feel free to check my work, Winchester," you say, catching his eye in the rearview mirror.  "But the amount of time you've spent saving people and hunting things, I've spent under a hood.  I think I know what I'm doing.  But, by all means –" You gesture to the only other vehicle in working order, a dark blue minivan with a tacky wood-patterned stripe across the middle.  "You'd look cute as a soccer mom."

You were right to be confident in your work.  It felt amazing to get her out on the open road, the humming of the engine music to your ears.

"So, what's the deal with this Ellen chick?" Dean asks a few minutes into the drive.

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