Chapter Eighteen: The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo, Part Two

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Fifteen minutes later, you are peering through the window at Charlie, who sits in her cubicle, staring intently at her computer, the light flickering on her face with the changing screen. The entire time, you pace the small platform, running your fingers along your pendant as you wait for her to finish and get the hell out of the building.

In the corner of your eye, near the building's entrance, you see movement. When you glance down, you see a man in a suit with a cell phone to his ear and a familiar face you've only seen on screens striding toward the entrance.

Being in plain sight with nowhere to hide, you can only stay still, hoping not to draw Dick's attention. Thankfully, his wide eyes never deviate from the path straight ahead as he asks questions about a package at an airport.

As soon as he passes the threshold and you are no longer in his range of sight, you pull out your phone and dial Charlie's number.

"Miss me already?" she answers.

"Charlie," you plead. "Finish what you're doing and get out of there."

"What?" she asks. "Why?"

"Dick is here," you explain, "and I'm guessing finding out whatever's on that drive is the first thing on his to-do list."

"What do I do?" she asks, panic beginning to set into her voice.

"Breathe," you say, trying to keep the panic out of our own voice. "Listen to me – there's no time to run. You're going to take the drive, and you're going to hide until he leaves. Can you do that?"

"Uh... maybe? I –"

Her line goes silent and your heart beats so hard that you can hear it. "Charlie?"

"I think I heard something," she whispers before the line goes silent again, and then you hear the end call tone.

Slowly, you inch back toward the glass so you can see her, and nearly fall off the edge in shock when you see Dick already standing in front of her.

Words are exchanged between them, and she turns around to plug the drive back into her computer and show him what she found.

It is then that you hear the sweet sound of an old engine pulling into the parking lot. You begin to climb down the stories of the building. In your eagerness, your hand slips on the second floor before you can get a grip on the rope and the back of your head hits the pavement.


You are snapped back into consciousness by the sound of glass crashing to the ground. You feel the impact of the fall everywhere, from the back of your head to your elbows to your heels. You lift your throbbing head and grip the back of it to find your hand covered in something sticky that you don't bother to check.

The shock keeps you on the ground for a moment before you realize you don't have time to be in shock. You rise to your feet, ignoring the pounding headache that you know will only get worse, and find that the crashing sound was the double doors of the building's entrance shattering and falling to the ground as the boys burst through them.

For a moment, there is no sound, then Charlie's panicked voice. "Dean, he's one of them!"

It is her cry that throws your legs into a sprint toward the door. By the time you reach them, two of the leviathans are on the ground, one unconscious and one screaming in pain, the burn from the Borax emitting a yellow smoke. Sam has scooped up a pained-looking Charlie in his arms.

"That would explain it," Dick says to Charlie. "You're hanging with the wrong crowd, kiddo."

The boys begin to step back as Dick steps forward until an invisible force flings him backward into a pillar, leaving the rest of you to stare in anticipation.

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