Chapter Twelve: A Very Supernatural Christmas

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Once again, you find yourself poring through the demonology books, looking for a demon you are sure you won't find. You feel the same kind of hopelessness you felt trying to look for the yellow-eyed demon - Azazel, Dean said was his name.

Still, you continue the readings, having decided to stay at Bobby's after the vampire case in Albany. You realized that you wanted to find the demon who possessed your mother all those years ago, though you are not sure what you will do when you find it.

You started reading the minute you got home and don't notice the hour hand of the wall clock passing the twelve at high noon before hear Bobby's footsteps, sooner than you usually do, and raise your head.

"At those books again?" he asks. "What is it this time?"

"Um..." You had debated telling him about your search. You hate lying to him, but how could you ask him to bear that weight with you when he has done so much for you already?

Before you can come up with an answer, your phone vibrates from between the pages of one of the books littering the table where you used it as a bookmark.

You replace the phone with another, smaller book and press the answer button below Sam's name.

"Miss me already, huh?" you joke.

He lets out a short, loud breath through the receiver, almost a laugh, but not quite. "Well... Listen, we caught a case in Ypsilanti, Michigan. I'm not too sure what to make of it."

"Hang on," you say. "I'm with Bobby - let me put you on speaker." You click the speaker button and set the phone on the book in front of you. "Okay, shoot."

"Three people have disappeared from their homes this month. All of the victims' families said they heard a thump on the roof, then they were gone. No forced entry, but we did find a tooth in the chimney."

"So, what are you thinking?" Bobby asks.

"Well, we were thinking, um... maybe the anti-Claus," Sam says, hesitantly. "Christmas is only two days away, and there's a lot of lore on -"

"What are ya, morons?" Bobby questions.

You sigh at his bluntness. "Sam, what else did you find?"

"Uh... The last two victims' houses, at least, had the same wreath. It was made of these thin green leaves, kind of like a fern, white buds, smelled like Christmas..."

The visualization begins to develop in your mind until you can put a name to the image.

"Meadowsweet," you and Bobby say in unison. You look up at him to find something unusual in his eyes - pride, you think, unable to keep from grinning.

"As in the plant in Pagan lore?" Sam asks.

"Yeah," you say. "Very rare, very powerful stuff. It used to be used for human sacrifice. Gods were drawn to it, so they'd drop in and feed on whichever humans were nearby."

"Any idea how to kill them?"

You look at Bobby blankly, not having a clue.

"I'll look into it," he says.

"And I'll meet you guys there," you say. "Give me twelve hours. I'll call you from the road."

"Okay," Sam agrees. "Thanks, both of you."

You hang up the phone and slide it off the open page. While one hand slips it into your jeans pocket, the other holds up the next book in the stack. "Mind if I take this one for the road?" you ask Bobby.

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