Chapter Fourteen: Jus in Bello

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Your phone rings hours after you cross the Massachusetts border, the early marks of sunrise staining the sky a light grey only three hours since you left the boys at the motel.  The caller ID displays Sam's name against a bright white screen, and you lift it to your ear.

"You're up early," you comment.

"(Y/N)?" he breathes.  "Thank God.  Where the hell are you?"

"Connecticut.  Sam, I'm not running away, okay? I'm..." you trail off, not knowing what you are doing, only that you needed to get away for a while.  "I just need some –"

"Some space," he finishes for you, quoting the note you left him.

"Look, it's not like I'm falling off the face of the earth, all right?" you assure him.  "Call me if you get worried, and I'll pick up if I can – I promise.  I'll have my phone on, and you can track my GPS if you want, but I just need some time alone."

The other end of the line is silent for a few moments while you imagine he considers this.

"Promise you'll call and check in?"

The corners of your mouth turn up when you hear his obliging tone.  There was a note of trust in there, and that is all you need.

"I promise."

You though that, when it was over, you would feel a relief and that everything would seem okay, like you were a kid, like you could undo all of the growing up you were forced to do.  Instead, there is only tension, having spent weeks trying to convince yourself that it's over.

You had been on your own for almost a month before the boys called again.  You were a few hours behind them hitting Colorado, where they tracked down Bela, who had stolen the Colt a couple of weeks ago, and said you would meet them at the hotel where she was staying.

Now, only blocks away from the building, your stomach knots when you see Dean's car on the end of a tow line, racing backward down the main street of the small town behind a truck said to belong to the Monument Police Department.  It could be another car, you think, but how many '67 Impalas could there be out there, let alone in this small town?

You try Sam's phone, then Dean's, only to be met with immediate voice message prompts both times. As you look up from where you threw your phone back onto the passenger seat, your foot slams on the brake pedal, halting the car to a stop just before hitting the woman standing in the middle of your lane, and you are grateful that there were no cars behind you.

Ruby opens the passenger door, calm as ever, and throws your phone and your jacket to the backseat.

"Drive," she says, and you do.  "It's Sam and Dean – they're in trouble."

"Yeah, I've gathered that much," you snap.  "Were they arrested?"

"A couple hours ago," she says, "but believe me, that's way down on the totem pole of things they need to worry about. There's an army of demons coming for them, and they're coming fast."

"Wait, wha–" you stumble.  "Why?"

"Sam didn't tell you?" she questions.

You give her a sideways glance.  "Tell me what?"

"There's a new up-and-comer in the demon world," she says. "A strong one. Her name is Lilith."

"Lilith?" you say, playing with the name on your tongue.  "As in the demon, Adam's first wife, Lilith? Why is she gunning for them?"

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