Chapter Thirty-Six: Sharp Teeth

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A/N: Some of these characters are from 12.06 and 12.20, but if you haven't watched those episodes yet, it'll still make sense, and there are NO SPOILERS in here for season twelve! Basically, Tasha Banes is a witch, and Max and Alicia are her twins (their age is never said, but I'm assuming early to mid twenties at this point). Max also practices magic, and Tasha raised them to hunt "bad witches."

Speaking of which, I don't actually know where the Baneses lived or if they lived together or if they even lived anywhere at this point in the show, so if they reveal something entirely different, please overlook it.


Max and Alicia burst through the front door of the Banes house, with you following close behind, all of you roaring with laughter at something Alicia said moments earlier.

A warm yellow glow, cutting through the grey light of the rising sun, emanates from the kitchen down the hall where the three of you pile in to see a tall, leather-jacketed woman standing at the counter.

"Mom, you're home!"

Alicia charges toward her first, nearly knocking her over as she wraps her in a hug while Tasha laughs lightly.

"I just got back myself," she says, embracing Max as well.

"Well, so much for those few minutes of peace, then," you joke as she pulls you in.

She shakes her head. "How did the hunt go?"

"Couldn't have gone better," you say.

"You should have been there!" Alicia tells her. "(Y/N) zapped him –"

"And then we trapped him in the basement –" Max interjects.

"And Max finished him off," you finish. "It was great. Hell, I'm keeping these guys."

Alicia scoffs. "Yeah, like you have a choice after two months of saving our asses."

You brush her off, but the buzzing of your phone cuts you off. "Duty calls," you shrug as you turn into the darkened living room and answer.

"(Y/N), it's Toby," the deep, rough voice resonates from the speaker.

"Hey, long time," you greet.

"Yeah, it has been a while. You should come by for a cold one someday," he says. "Meantime, listen – I picked up Garth's description on the police wire. Been missing for a few months now, hasn't he?"

"Few more than a few. Where is he?"

"Grantsburg Memorial, up in Wisconsin. You anywhere near there?"

You don't need to calculate the miles and hours to answer. "Very."

As you thank Toby for the information, the muffled voices and giggles from the kitchen send a pang of guilt through you. Dread, too.

But you all know this was never meant to be permanent. They knew when you showed up on their doorstep they would have to say goodbye, and you knew you would have to face the boys someday, flying broom and all.

You tiptoe back into the kitchen, where Max shoves a beer bottle into your hands. "She's back!" he says, clinking the glass with the bottle in his own hand. "Here's to another successful witch hunt."

You clear your throat and set the yours on the counter. "Actually, I'd better not. I've got to hit the road."

"You caught a case? We'll go with," Alicia offers.

"It's not a hunt," you say. "Or maybe it is. I don't know."

"Whatever it is, we can help. We owe you that much," Max suggests.

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