Chapter 15

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1K VIEWS! *le girly sqee* YAAAAYYY!! I can't believe I've reached this many views without doing anything! Thank you guys so much <33.

Sorry this is super short, it's a filler chapter >.<.

I've kinda forgotten where I left off, soo.. XD


"I say this before the spirits of StarClan, so they may hear and approve of my choice. Sunshard will be the new deputy of DuskClan!" Hopestar spoke.
"Sunshard! Sunshard!" The clan cheered.

Rainfeather stumbled as Thunderkit bashed into her. "Oops.... Sorry Rainfeather!" He squeaked, scooting back with his ears laid back on his head.

He obviously has started to belive that she killed his brother AND his father. His mother, Poppyfrost, believed it too. He soon squirmed away and continued to play with Amberkit. Leafkit and Spiritkit sat of into the corner, chatting quietly.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high ledge for a clan meeting!" Hopestar called.

Rainfeather joined the gathering cats. "We have two new apprentices to name. Leafkit and Spiritkit, please step forward!"

The two kits excitedly stepped forward. "Leafkit, Spiritkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this moment on, until you receive your warrior names, you shall be known as Leafpaw and Spiritpaw."

Hopestar scanned the crowd, searching for mentors. Her eyes landed on Rainfeather, but quickly flickered away. She obviously didn't trust her. "Stormfire, you have shown yourself to be a strong and wise warrior. It is time for you to take on another apprentice. I know you will pass down all you know to Leafpaw."

"Dawnbreaker, you are also ready to take on another apprentice. I hope you pass down everything you know to Spiritpaw."

The clan cheered the apprentices new names. Her eyes darted to Lionpaw and Stormpaw, who were sneaking out of camp.

Swiftly, she followed.




She stayed hidden the whole time, sneaking behind rocks and bushes. Her paws splashed in the small stream as she ran to catch up.

She stopped them as they attempted to cross over the border and into DawnClan territory. "Where do you think you're going?"

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