Chapter 4

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Quietstream led Silverpaw over to the apprentices' den, which was on the other side of the camp.

"It's not too crowded in there," Quietstream said, "and if you really want to you can come sleep in the medicine den with me."

"I think I'll be okay, but thanks!" Silverpaw told the medicine cat, still bouncing with excitement.

Quietstream stopped in front of the den.

"Well, here we are. I have to go check on Spruceclaw now, but I hope you have fun on your first day as an apprentice!"

"Thanks, Quietstream!"

The she-cat nodded her head and left. Silverpaw turned around to face the den and inhaled.

My first step to being an apprentice: claiming a nest in the apprentices' den.

Silverpaw stepped forward and saw the other three apprentices, Lightpaw, Cherrypaw, and Fishpaw, standing in the den with a new piece of moss.

"Congratulations! You're an apprentice!" Cherrypaw exclaimed, jumping up and down.

Silverpaw smiled.

They all stayed to welcome me!

"We went out and got you a new piece of moss," Fishpaw said, "for your nest."

"Thanks," Silverpaw replied shyly.

Silverpaw didn't really know them; they only shared a den for a moon before the three became apprentices and she was too young to play.

The eldest, Lightpaw, stepped forward and told her, "Our mentors have planned to hold a hunting session after yours shows up the territory."

"That sounds like fun!"

Lightpaw nodded, and pushed forward a feather. It was a small yet gorgeous blue feather with touches of black and white.

"It's pretty!" Silverpaw exclaimed.

"It's from a blue warbler I caught yesterday. We all keep a feather with us in our nest. Fishpaw has a quail's, Cherrypaw has a thrush's, and I keep a merlin's. I thought you should have one too."

Silverpaw places her paw over top of the feather to keep it from blowing away.

"I'll keep it in my nest forever!"

"We'll see you later! We have to go hunt for more moss for the elders," Cherrypaw announced.

"See you later!" Silverpaw called.

After they had left, she turned back to the moss.

Where should I put it?...

Silverpaw spotted an empty space, the back right corner of the den.

Just like in the nursery!

Silverpaw dragged the moss to the corner and laid down on it. The scent wasn't the same, and it didn't feel the same either.

"I'll get used to it either way," Silverpaw signed aloud.

Suddenly, a hazel-brown head poked through the various brambles and leaves making up the entrance to the den. The cat's beautiful yellow-green eyes met Silverpaw and she realized who it was.

"Hazelstar," Silverpaw dipped her head respectfully as Hazelstar entered the den.

The leader inhaled and sighed with a smile.

"I remember when I first set foot in the apprentices' den," she reminisced. "My sister and I were the only apprentices at the time, so we played the game of 'who could take up the most room.'"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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