Chapter 1

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Snowkit latched her sharp kit teeth onto the moss ball that was thrown at her.

"That's ten!" her brother, Mountainkit, exclaimed.

In their game of moss ball, the four kits had reached a new high of how long they could catch the ball without dropping it.

Snowkit tossed the ball up and shouted, "Shadekit!"

The black she-kit snatched it out of the air and smiled at Snowkit as best she could.

"Eleven!" Mountainkit yelled.

Shadekit tossed it back up in the air and called out, "Ashkit!"

The small dark gray tom had his golden eyes on the ball and said, "I got it! I got it! I got it!"

"Kits!" A voice called from inside the nursery.

Ashkit look towards the nursery and the moss ball hit him in the face. The other three burst into a fit of laughter.

A light brown head popped out of the nursery, amber eyes fiery with anger.

"You four get in here, now," Leaffrost said.

The kits, who were all terrified of Leaffrost, made their way towards the nursery.

Ashkit picked up the moss ball and followed the others. Snowkit slowed down to talk to him.

"It's okay, little brother," she said, cuffing him playfully in the ear. "Everyone makes mistakes!"

It was true that she was the oldest of the litter. You could obviously tell because she was a little bit stronger, a little bit faster, and a little bit taller.

It also didn't help that Ashkit was the smallest and the youngest.

Ashkit grinned and the two dashed off into the nursery. Once inside, they saw Leaffrost, whose belly was quite swollen, and Goldenspirit waiting.

Ashkit set the moss ball down and asked, "What is it?"

Goldenspirit smiled at her youngest kit and said, "Oh, my dear kits. I love that your playing, but you four should know better. What have your father and I been telling you for the past two moons?"

Suddenly, the thought clicked in Snowkit's head.

"Our Apprentice Trials!" she shouted. "They're tonight!"

Goldenspirit nodded.

"If you want to at least look decent, you should go practice by the river," Leaffrost suggested.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Mountainpaw exclaimed, nearly leaping out of the nursery.

"Wait!" Goldenspirit called. "Go ask your father if you can. He's in his den with Sorrelfoot."

The four kits nodded and raced out towards the leader's den.

Slowly and quietly, Snowkit led her younger siblings into their father's den. They could hear Sorrelfoot's loud laugh and bright voice from outside.

"Thornstar," Snowkit called.

The two older cats looked at her. Thornstar grinned at her as the other three rushed in.

"Thornstar! Thornstar!" Shadekit shouted.

"What is it, my kits?" Thornstar laughed.

"Can we go out to the river to practice our battle moves?" Mountainkit asked.

"We wanna beat Tigerpaw and be warrior apprentices!" Shadekit announced.

Thornstar laughed. "I would let you, but you four need a chaperone and no warriors are available."

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