Chapter 21

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I am not a effin doctor. I don't know how this stuff works, or how long it takes to recover and stuff so this my friends is called "Caitlyn Logic" 

So don't comment saying "That's wrong" Or "That's not how it works"


So lets just get on with this.

OH. And, Im sorry I didn't update for a while, I was at band camp :D

Clarinet <3

Ohkay READ.

(Rayne's POV)

I woke up laying down in my hospital bed. Everything happened so fast. I had no idea why I was here, or how I got there. 

I didn't remember a thing.

I tried to move but couldn't seem too. I was stuck to the bed. I squirmed and tried to move, but nothing. I sat there and closed my eyes. A light flashed on and I looked over. A tall figure towered over me and my heart stopped. 


My dad.

My abusive dad.


He pressed his pointer finger to my lips and showed a missing toothed smile. I stared into his eyes. His evil eyes....

He pulled out something silver out from behind his back. I tried to leave again but it was no use. He held the sharp object in the air, then threw it to my chest.

I woke up screaming. In a different hospital bed, and it was morning. My chest hurt, and so did my stomach. I didn't know why, but I looked....fatter. 

Up from my stomach I looked at my hurting chest. There were bandages around it. I winced at the pain and squinted my eyes.

 A nurse ran in her face frantic. She smiled and then hugged me. I was so confused. What happened? What day was it? It felt like that all happened in 2 minutes... My father, the accident, and the world between heaven and earth. With Nathan.


Where was he?

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't think I'm the right person to tell you that.." Her voice faded as she spoke. 

Then she continued "All I can tell you is that it's Valentines Day.

"What the hell?"

She looked at the calender hanging on the wall, and then pulled out a peice of paper with Nathan's handwriting. I widened my eyes as she passed me the peice of paper.

My heart began to race as I read

Dear Rainy,

The last thing I want is for you to pass away so fast,

That's why I did something I know you'll be mad at me for,

Only you could make things sunny on a Rainy day.

You deserve nothing but pure happiness.

That's why I gave you my heart

I want you to the live everyday as if it was your last.

Live everyday as if I was right there cheering you on.

I love you.

~Nathan <3

I stared at the note. Repeating each line letting it soak in my brain. I began to shake violently and I dropped the note. I punch the side of the bed. and screamed. The nurse ran in with Karen and Jason. They took a look at me and their eyes filled with tears. As did mine. They hugged me and told me it was going to be okay. Although it wasn't.

I couldn't bare the thought of Nathan being gone...

Maybe they were messing with me.

No... this was serious. They parted from the hug and saw my troubled face, full of despair and worry.

But mostly, pain. 

A sick pain that not even the foulest person ever would do to another.

I was still shaking like crazy.

My life with Nathan. Shattered to peices because of some guy I didn't even know.

Nathan was dead.

He faced death.

He faced death, for me.

He gave me his heart.

His heart, literally beats for me.

I couldn't believe it. I rather have my dad kill me, I want to go back to that dream. I closed my eyes. Convinced it was a dream. I opened my eyes to face Karen Jason and the nurse, once again. 

This was too real.

"He's gone?" I needed someone to say no. That Nate was right there outside the door, waiting to see me.

"Yes hunny.." 


No. No. No.

Tears rushed down my face. 

"76 days ago" The nurse began, "Nathan Parker sofficated himself, so that he could give you his heart to you."

"I needed a heart transplant?"


Oh my God.

Nathan killed himself to save me...


It should have been me. It should have always been me. This was bull crap! 

"There's something else hunny" Karen had a sympathetic look in her green eyes. But I was still worried, and angry. "Before you got the got x-rays...."

I waited not expecting what was coming at all

"'re 3 months pregnant"

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