Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Day 2 of suspension. I could go back tomorrow. I didn't get in any trouble at home though, thank God. If I got my keyboard, or sketchpad taken away I'd die. i managed to fix the yellow mark, but it took all day. And as for the boy, broken nose, as for the girl, she just doesn't know who the heck she's messing with.

It was about 2:30 p.m. Nathan wasn't gonna be home from school until 2:45. Karen and Jason were therapists so who knows how long they would take. I went up to my room and got on the keyboard. I had learned the song "My Immortal" so I began to play. I closed my eyes and let my mind race, and my voice began to sing.

"I'm so tired of,

Suppressed by all of my, childish fears..."

(Nathan's POV)

I walked into the door and heard Rayne's fucking piano, keyboard, whatever you called it. I ran upstairs to tell her to shut up. But, she was singing. And....Crying? I couldn't tell. I pressed my ear to the door. Her voice was heavenly. Amazing. Not quite Amy Lee. But for her, it was great.

"When you cried I'd wipe away all of you tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your, hand through all of these years,

but you still, have......"

I sang with her

"All of me"

I heard the piano stop. Then footsteps. Crap. The door opened. She was definitely crying. "What do you want?"

"I was listening to you"


"You suck at it" I lied

"Go to hell"

"Already there hunny!"

I walked into my room and slammed the door. Go I hated Rayne. She always acts like she's the only one who's broken. Well screw her! I watched my parents get murdered then had to live with the murderer for 9 years. At least she had someone that loved her. I didn't. My parents didn't even love me. My mom was cheating on my dad with my uncle. But soon my dad found out, and when he did, took a gun to her head and blew her brains out. After that my uncle killed my dad. And raised me for his own. But I looked exactly like my dad. Black hair, blue eyes, but a good face. So naturally, he hated me. He locked me in the cellar of his house, where he put my father's dead body. I had to stare at it all day. He would throw down small cans of food for me too eat. It was hell.... Worse than hell. but one day when I turned 16 I found a way out and got the police. Spent 4 months in the orphanage then got adopted by Karen and Jason. I thought they were nice. But whenever I wanted to be nice, something terrible would escape my lips. It was just how I was. But I meant what I said to Rayne most of the time. I hated her.

Rayne's POV

"He knows nothing about hell! His dad didn't rape him every fucking night! His mother didn't whip him with a belt! And the only loved one he had didn't get shot by her own father!"

I said that outloud.

I broke down.

Cried my eyes out for about 2 minutes, then brought myself together. I had to put this to an end; I couldn't hate Nathan forever. I stepped out into the hallway and knocked on his door.

"Come in"

I opened the door. I had never been in Nathan's room before. There were Paramore, Black Veil Brides, BrokenCYDE, Sleeping with sirens, Mayday Parade and Evanescence posters, everywhere. Where did he even get those? He never left the house. My eyes traveled to him. He was shirtless, Wearing nothing but his black skinny jeans. Nathan's body was actually pretty nice. I didn't like crazy muscular people.



Shivers ran up my spine. Weird.

"Um, I have a question"

"Am I gonna have to stab you?"

"Um, no?"

"Then ask away, whore"

"I've never had sex"

"No surprise"

"Anyway, why do you hate me?"

"Cause you're a prick"

"You're a bastard"


"Screw a goat"

"I think that's illegal"

"Stop being a smart but"

"Stop being annoying! God I hate you."

"Did you hear what I said before I came here?"

"Yeah, you have a big mouth"

I think this was the first actual conversation we ever had.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I was just angry."

"You know nothing about hell. Hell is being trapped in a basement for 9 years! Hell is having to watch your fathers dead body decay! Hell is having you in the same house as me!"

That last sentence.

Broke me

(flashback Lucy's POV)

"No, Mom, Please stop hurting her!"

My pathetic excuse for a mother was crouched down over Rayne. Smacking her with a belt. After several failed attempts of getting her off, it was not use. I was too hurt. She was done with me.

Rayne was only 10. She didn't deserve this. Such an innocent little girl. I loved her so much. We've tried to run away but it was no use. They got us, every time. Dad was out at a pub getting drunk somewhere. while we were home, being beaten because we were mistakes.

I got a grip on reality and ran over to Rayne, so my mom smacked me with the belt. I pushed Rayne so that she wouldn't get hurt, and tackled my mother. I punched her in the head, mouth, nose, and eyes, as tears streamed down my face. I was 14. How I managed to tackle a 30 year old woman to the ground I'll never know. She sat up and picked me up by my hair. I was in mid-air. I couldn't feel the hair ripping of my scalp as my mother screamed in my hair "You children give me hell!"

"Hell is having you in the same house as me!" I screamed back

Authors noteeeee.

Did you guys love it?! 

You got to see Lucy's POV!!! I love her! She's so sweet. But sadly not with Rayne :/ . Anyway I'm still working on chapter 5 so I will get it up as soon as possible! <3 Love you all VOTE VOTE VOTE

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