Chapter 3

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Heyy!!! This is Caitlyn with one of my annoying authors notes! Here is Chapter 3. This really shows how offensive Rayne is. I PROMISE. The chapters are gonna get longer. So happy reading!


Chapter 3 (3 months later)

Nothing changed. Nathan was still a bastard. We fought almost everyday. And when we weren't fist fighting, we were fighting verbally. Even on my birthday a month ago he threw dirt in my face and said "Happy Birthday, bitch" proudly, and walked off. Karen had gotten me a keyboard, like I had asked. And Jason got me a laptop. It was the best birthday I had ever had. There was a cake and everything. The only thing that made it terrible was that it was the 3rd birthday without Lucy. God I missed her. I didn't tell anyone, but every night I cried. Begging God to bring her back. I knew she wasn't going to come back though. She was dead. Dead.

"Rayne, Nathan, c'mon you're gonna be late!" Karen called. I could almost hear Nathan cussing her out under his breath.

"Coming M- Um, Karen!" I almost said mom. I could never call her mom. That would be an insult. Mom's were whore's who beat you every night. Karen was sweet and fragile. I walked down the stairs and out the front door. Nathan was behind me. He walked in front of me, tripped me, then ran to the car. I got into the passenger seat and said nothing.

"What? No, you're so fucking mean Nathan? Or the classic You're such a bastard Nathan? You're a fucking mistake and you know it"

"Go to hell you soulless prick!"

He gave me a "I so won that one" look

We got to the school and practically ran in because I wanted nothing to do with Nathan. We had the same homeroom, of course. I sat down at the desk and pulled out my sketchpad. There were a bunch of kids around me saying stuff like "I missed you so much!" And "We broke up during the summer!" And stupid shit like that. I mean, really? You don't know shit about pain. I began to continue on a sketch I had been working on since my birthday. I had drawn many things before on a regular notepad, but this really captured her beauty. I was drawing Lucy. I admired my work, then began to start on her hair. Her amazing long blond hair. As soon as I set the yellow colored pencil on the sketchpad, a boy came up behind me and stole the sketchpad. The yellow pencil scratched Lucy's face

My anger got the best of me

I jumped up form my seat and went to swing at him, but guess who was holding me back? Fucking Nathan. I kicked him in the balls, then ran to the boy, punched him in the face, then stormed out of the room.

"Rayne Parker to the office"


I got up from a stall in the bathroom, and faced 3 girls who were doing their make-up in the mirror. I rolled my eyes and began to walk out, but one with curly black hair stopped me. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

"I think I'm Rayne Parker"

"I think you're a gothic wannabee, virgin much? The girls behind her laughed.

"Slut much?"

"Ha, you wanna play that game?"

"I can play it better."




"That's the best you got? We're not in a Harry Potter book hunny." I said it proudly as I watched the confidence in her brown eyes fade.

"I'll get you" she quietly said

Game on bitch

(authors note)

Like it?? I love this chapter. But I love the next one WAY more XD . Okay so I have a mission for you guys. Message me who you think the cast should be! :D I tryed looking but I thought it would be way better if you guys chose! So please message me your ideas!


I wanna get more readers, votes, and comments. So if you all can do that I would love you forever!!. Please tell people to check me out! <3 love you all!!!! xoxo

Notes to the BrokenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant