Chapter 15: He's Alive

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Natasha's POV

I can't believe I got away with this. I've broken peoples limbs and stuff but nothing this serious. I was going to hide at my fiancée Nash's house. I used his last name at jobs so I wouldn't get caught. The night I came back he showered me with praise.

"Wait you really did it?!? Holy shit! That's awesome! It was about time those faggots were given what they deserved." The news, that was on behind us, suddenly got our attention

"Anthony Padilla, 26 year old internet star was stabbed yesterday at a local target. His stabber who goes by the name Natasha Grier, is still on the run. Padilla is currently awake, giving information to the police with his boyfriend Ian."

"HES ALIVE!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!" I screamed and ran to our bedroom. I was not happy.

Anthony's POV

I wake up in a bed that wasn't mine and hearing a really annoying beeping noise. All I remembered was going to target then laying on the ground with a knife in my stomach.

"Ian?" I say and try to sit up. A pain starts at my stomach and shoots through my body. I lay back down. He comes over to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Right here babe." I realize Melanie is in the room and all three of us talk about what happened and youtube stuff for about an hour. When Melanie left, the doctor came back in.

"I've got good news and bad news. Good news is that Anthony can go home tomorrow. The bad news is that the police aren't able to locate Natasha Grier. My stomach literally drops and I writhe in pain.

"What!! There must be something you can do!" Ian screams. The doctor steps backwards and his unexpected yelling.

"There are policemen in the lobby. We have to have Anthony's permission before we let them in."

"Let them in" The doctor leaves then returns 5 minutes later with two men in police uniforms. They slightly resemble me and Ian. They look the same age but one is taller than the other.

"Can one of you tell us what Natasha looks like?" The taller one asks while the short one pulls out a notebook

"She has dark hair, really pale skin, and really blue eyes." Ian describes perfectly.

"Anthony can you tell us about your encounter with Natasha."

"Well this wasn't the first time we saw her. She delivered a pizza to us a week or two ago and she acted very rude. Ian and I went to Natasha's line at Target when she... You know."

"Thank you for your information. They left the hospital room with Ian and I with a bunch of questions


The next chapter is going to be a shitload of twist and turns so prepare yourself. Thanks for reading :) *brofist* ~ Danielle

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