Choosing Between Death And Life

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Where am I? Its so bright, I feel so dizzy. Who are these people over me? What are they saying? Where's Charles?

One person put something on my face,I began getting sleepy, so I closed my eyes. I'm scared, what's going to happen to me?

"Noel don't you die on me!" I heard someone yell from afar.

Am I going to die?

God, I know I haven't been your best child in the world. I know you'll forgive me, but. If I do die I want to see him again. Y'know Jesse, the first guy you let my heart open up too. I wish he'd remember me, I miss him so much he would never do this to me.

A light began to flash it was warm, and it felt like all my worries and anxiety washed away. I began walking towards it, dad? Skylar? Is this what heaven feels like? As I got closer and closer I saw images, of everyone, of my life.

I smiled and looked at the great memories I had. I backed up though, I think its time for me to give up. This stupid crush I've had for years, I want to be free. I started walking towards the light.

"Marcelo's never give up." A girl and mans voice yells.

The two walked into the light, was that. Skylar and dad? They were telling me not to give up.

"Wait! What do I do?!" I yelled across.

"Just don't give up." The light grew brighter.

I had a choice, it was hard but I knew where to go. To not give up, and as I ran that way I began to cry.

"Wait for me!" I yelled at the light.

I ran, ran as fast I could hoping I made the right choice. Then...


My eyes began to flicker, I felt horrible. I tried covering my eyes with my right hand, but when I pulled it someone pulled it back. I turned my head to see who it was, but my eyes were to blurry to see.

"Shh, just rest." Someone whispered tightly griping my hand.

I did as he said, I closed my eyes and fell asleep. But the entire time I slept I felt the warmth of my hand being held, and something fuzzy and warm on my lips.

*Hours Later*

I opened my eyes, I looked around the unfamiliar room. Was I in a hospital? I gazed at my hand, was that a dream? I touched my lips. When I moved I felt a sharp pain under me, it hurt to so bad. So I laid back down hoping it would go away. Am I alone?

"Mister Anders, you can't interrupt the patient while she is resting." A mans voice says quietly.

"At least let me-" Charles froze as he looked at me. "Noel!"

Charles ran up to me, he looked pale and stressed.

"Charles what happened?"

"Miss Marcelo, it seems your boyfriend has internally damaged your insides." The doctor says to me.

"Don't worry Noel they did surgery already your fine." Charles comforts me.

"Listen to your friend, you're fine just get plenty of rest. I will contact your mother and tell her your here." The doctor left the room.

"Noel." Charles held my hand. "Girl I missed a date because of your boyfriend."

I giggled, but it began to hurt to laugh so I stopped.

"Thank you."

"For what hun?"

"For being here and holding my hand the entire time."

"Noel I was here but I didn't hold your hand."

I stopped and stared at a confused Charles, and his eyes widened. He sighed and nodded his head smiling.

"What is it? Charles tell me."

"Nothing I'm tired I was up all night, maybe you were dreaming about the hand thing."

Charles was lying, I can tell from the look on his face. I shouldn't say anything, Charles looked like he didn't want to talk about it. So I just laid there daydreaming.

"So what are you going to do about Michael?"

"I don't know I like him a lot but I don't know what's going on with him. I'm scared, he hurt me and he didn't even come to check if I was alright?" I cried on Charles shoulder.


"I'm scared, if I stay with him will he do it again?"

"I don't know hun, but I'm sure he'll learn his lesson."


"Karmas a bitch, what he did to you wil get him back."

"Or we can forgive and forget."

"Forgive him for almost killing you!?"

I stopped, God says always to forgive but I was hurt so bad. I'm not dead though and I don't think he did it to kill me I hope.

-Knock Knock-

"Miss Marcelo you have a visitor." A nurse says walkig inside.

"?" I looked at the door.


My heart dropped, my eyes were playing me right? This can't be real, what's he doing here?


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