You Still Exist In The World But I Don't In Your Heart

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It's been almost two days being here mom held my hand she knew this pain I am feeling she knows excatly what I am going through, it was lonely in the world everything seemed dead I couldn't eat or sleep. I visited him earlier today to check if I can help him remember but Maria was there with a scrap book of pictures of his past.

I couldn't help feeling second to her for that I have not taken one picture with him I couldn't take it anymore and I wanted to leave earlier but they wouldn't let me. I started to become hectic almost insane with this jealous feeling.

So I was stuck in that hospital across the room from the man I love with the one he loved first wow the world has a funny way of saying we shouldn't date. Mom came in today with balloons that said happy birthday oh I almost forgot no I completley forgot it was my birthday I didn't even look at them.

I was now eighteen oh great I've grown older I faintly smiled while she handed me the balloon and a box. I open the box to see my broken bracelet had not been broken anymore it had been renewed I look up at mom and she smiled at me.

"You know things may break, be crushed, shatter, and even burn even so you can always find the pieces to make it better." Mom said.

A man walks into the room and smiled at me while putting his arm over moms shoulder kissing her cheek I stared at him. He has something familiar, he gives me such a familiar feeling and I saw mom smile like as if something was lifted off her chest. I then realised what that man had which was so familiar he reminds me of my dad he made mom smile just as dad did.

"Nice to meet you I'm Sanders." He began to shake my hand.

"He's the man I was speaking about." Mom smiled and looked up at him.

I got up and stood there I had remembered something important I put my bracelet on and mom looked at me she nodded her head and I changed my clothes. I ran out of the hospital to his house I ran and ran with the wind as if the world was helping me no it wasn't just the world it was God, Skylar, and dad pushing me helping me. I stopped a few times but I managed to get there quickly I arrived at his house.

I climbed up into the window which he never closed I noticed this every time I came here his room was empty and it was kind of cold. I looked everywhere, what was I looking for? The camera I remembered he did take a picture with me he was kissing my cheek I remember he told me he took it while I was half asleep.

I looked through his dressers to have a nostalgic feeling smelling his cologne it smelled nice and I began to remember the first time I was here I didn't want anything to do with him. Remembering it now if I felt the same way back then if I did now I wouldn't have pushed his away so much. Holding his shirt I put it on I was cold and I continued to look through his things if he had his memories he wouldn't mind I can tell. Even if he can't remember me mentally spiritually he's pushing me.

I found the camera I turned it on and looked through the pictures and I found the picture it was kind of cute I was sleeping but smiling as he was kissing my cheek. I attached the camera to a cord to a computer and printed out the photo. I grabbed it and I ran to the hospital I felt some what good about myself moms words were true like this bracelet we can fix what has been broken.

My heart may have broke but I can fix it, I can't give up and hand him over to Maria I want him more than she does. My only question was why was she there?

I arrive at the hospital and I was panting and panting I went on the elevator when I got off I ran to Jesse's room to see Maria still there laughing with him. She was holding his hand and smiling I took a deep breath and I walked inside Jesse looked at me. Maria turns around to give me a dirty look and stand up letting go of his hand.

"Jesse I know you don't remember me, and I've told you who I am but I want to say this one more time and give you this." I Handed him the photo.

"What is it a picture of you two?" Maria snatches the photo.

"Yes it's of me and him I stayed over his house and he took a picture of me and him while I was asleep." I said snatching the photo handing it to Jesse.

"Listen your young inexperienced and dull who would want to remember you." Maria says crossing her arms.

"Well if you don't know who I am let me give you a brief summary you could understand. My name is Noel Marcelo I am short fairly skinny, I don't have a figure like you, I'm not as pretty as you and I haven't stolen his heart first. But that man right there is let me spell it for you M-I-N-E mine! He's my boyfriend and I'm not letting go of him so next time know your place in his life and don't go holding his hands and why are you even here you broke up with him!" I yell at her and she begins to grin at me.

"She's Maria Evans his wife." The doctor walks in.

"Wait they divorced." I said.

"No they have been married for almost six years now if I am correct that is what it says so I called her in to watch him." The doctor looks at me.

"Sorry but if the doctor says she is the one I am married to then I can not believe the words you say." Jesse hands me back the photo.

"Now get out of here." Maria rips up the photo and hands it to me.

I held the photo in my hand and ran outside of the door I looked back and saw Jesse staring at me as I left. Maria laughing as I lost and I saw myself giving up one of my worst moments in my life giving up the one I loved to someone he onced loved. But why did he say they divorced but they are still married?

I didn't care I just wanted Jesse back I walked away out of the hospital not even looking back I held the picture and it flew away. God, Skylar, dad what do I do I can't win against her I begin to cry cold tears and this February will be lonely.

My worst birthday ever.

More Than Just A Silly School Girl CrushOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora