Silly Mom

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I kneeled at the window peaking through it and I was hoping what I heard isn't what I heard and I hope my eyes and ears were playing tricks on me. It was quiet and I looked out of the window I can only see a bit of them the wall was in the way. I saw arms wrapped around the girl was it his yes it was but why is he hugging her who is she. I got up and picked up my clothes and put them on I wanted to leave as soon as possible I decided to leave through the back I went home I wasn't in the mood.

I walked on the side walk not turning back but hearing the voices in my head to go talk to him and work this out well I know what I heard I know it was Maria he was hugging I can tell that face from anywhere. I arrive at home I opened the door and mom was sitting on her chair as usual she never gets off that chair its creepy.

I walked to the couch and I begin to sniffle I knew mom knew where I was this whole time she sighed and didn't yell at me.

"One thing I learned from love is that it doesn't last forever." She got up and sat next to me.

"But dad loved you all that happened was he died." I reply.

"No he died but I knew our love wouldn't last forever I worked for his love." She says giggling.

"Mom." I sighed.

"Your going to be hurt by love but you will never get your first back. You need to work for this man because he knows how to make you happy. I obviously can't make your decisions but I want you to be with someone you love even if he is a teacher I don't approve of. I'm sorry I didn't notice Zach cheated on you I was blind I just want you to live a normal life so whatever problem you have with that man fix it. I don't want to hold you back I have no right to do so after what you have done for me." Mom hugs me.

"What made you come to this conclusion why are you doing this?" I asked.

"I finally looked in his closet and I remembered everything." She smiled and began to tear up.

The closet mom hasn't opened dad's closet since he died she didn't want to remember all of those things she feels that closet is a ghost from her past. Mom hid it from herself in that room when dad died she broke the door knob off so it wouldn't be opened but she got it fixed just in case on day she would slowly get over it.

Mom really loved dad she would have done anything for him they were the definition of love I wanted to be just like them when I grew up. Now I've fallen in love with a teacher a man who is out of my league who is in love with a woman who is older than me.

I hugged mom and smiled at her I wiped her tears I think shes finally in peace with herself being able to step foot into his closet.

"With that being said I wanted to tell you something." She says holding my hand.

"Yes." I replied.

"I met someone a couple of months ago at a grocery shop." She smiled.

"Really?" I leaned forward.

"He asked me out and I'm going out tonight. So I give you permission to invite Jesse over for dinner since you will be alone." She got up.

"What?" I jumped up.

Mom runs up stairs thats the first time in years I've seen her run she must be excited wait did she say I can invite Jesse? No way unless he makes the attempt too... B-beep. Wow can he read my mind?

"Wherever you went I assume home I'm coming there right now I don't care." The message said. I went upstairs to see shorts and a shirt on my bed this came from mom.

I changed into the outfit and I felt good and at home mom finally understood me just one more battle to go Jesse. Mom gets out of her room with a black dress on, make up, her hair done she looked so pretty she really must like this guy. Mom walks up to me and hugs me the door bell rings and she runs downstairs to open the door. When she opens the door Jesse is there with a serious face he was panting did he run here?

"Listen Ms. Marcelo I know I'm not supposed to see your daughter but I won't let her slip from me again." Jesse looks at me from down stairs.

"Oh please call me Elisabeth Johns thats my maiden name and sure stay eat dinner with her I forgive you and allow this but if you cheat on her you won't have children. Well bye I have a date I must go to." Mom leaves out of the door.

I stood there and looked at him he looked up at me and gazed he walked up the stairs towards me step by step what does this mean? He chose me it couldn't be but why Maria was his first love I sat down on the stairs and had a confused look on my face. Jesse put his hand on my face and touched my cheeks he stroked my hair and hugged me.

"I told you not to leave me." Jesse said.

"But Maria was there." I replied.

"Maria? Wait did you say Maria?" He looked at me confused.

"Yes the woman who knocked on your door." I said and Jesse began to snicker.

"Oh no Mariah the mail lady who has a crush on me." He says patting my head.

"So that wasn't Maria?" I looked up at him.

"Maria got remarried a year ago I don't think she'll be knocking for quiet some time." He laughs at me.

I jumped and hugged him holding his hand we walked downstairs to eat dinner mom set up a dinner at the table it looked good Jesse sat across me. We sat down and ate the food talking to each other like a married couple it felt some what nice, after we ate we went to my room and decided to hang out.

He fell asleep on my bed soon after and so did I we slept together on the same bed it felt good not to hide this from your parent. I curled up next to him and wanted that moment to last for life.


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