•Chapter 31• Realize

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Quavious POV

I stayed at the Migo mansion with the fellas since Royalty kicked me out she wouldn't even let me explain she just told me to get out and don't come back she don't even want the kids round me... I mean I didn't even do anything and she taking it this far! I was highly pissed off and wanted to break her damn neck but only thing saving her from that is being pregnant wit my baby.

I leaned against the counter scrolling through Instagram until I heard yelling and Set's voice. I looked up and saw Keshia and Jewel walking in the kitchen

"Why the fuck you do that?! She been nun but good too you and you treat her like dat!" Jewel yelled

"Wait a minute, baby" Take interrupted. "Unc really ain do nun.. Obviously somebody fuckin wit them"

"And how we supposed to know that?" Keshia asked

"I'm not! Damn she wouldn't believe me all I'm asking is for y'all too.. just help me talk to her she don't even want me seeing my kids" I sighed

Their facial expressions softened finally calming down and trying to hear me out.

"Well who could be doing this fuck shit?"

"Remember ole girl everybody talked about.. that I supposedly put my hands on?" I asked

"Who don't remember that attention seeking hoe" Set rolled his eyes. "See I told you let me get her ass but you wouldn't let me"

"You was trynna Set that girl on fire" Take laughed

"What? Her hair was synthetic don't take much for the bitch to go up in flames" He shrugged in all seriousness

I couldn't help but laugh... this man was always thinking of some ways on how to get somebody.

"Look, the hoe tried to follow me on Instagram but I blocked her so I know she gone try to make Royal believe I'm doing sum shit I ain"

"We'll see what we can do, but she may not budge"

"Then y'all make her! Come on now I really need y'all" I practically begged

"Okay" They said walking out
I waited for them to come back and tell me what Royal'a final decision was. Nobody was answering their phones so I was really worried she wasn't trynna give in..

Pretty soon Jewel came in and she was in full panic mode... damn it went that bad.

"What's wrong?" I asked trying to get her to calm down

"You gotta go to the hospital!" She got out

"What? Why? What the hell happened?!"

"Sky.. I don't know we were talking to her and everything was fine then Sky started crying and it's like she started breaking out and having a hard time breathing"

"No... she went to the doctor and got over all of that? She was breaking out but it was just a new lotion we were using and it made her break out and he gave her medicine for it" I shrugged

"Obviously he didn't! Look just get to the hospital!" She shouted

I grabbed my phone and walked out behind her getting in the passenger seat of her car. Something didn't seem right about this story but I really wanted to know what was going on!

Once we got to the hospital Ro was already getting out the car wit Set and in full blown tears. I jumped out as soon as Jewel parked the car. I went over to Ro wrapping my arms around her

"Is my baby okay?!" She cried

"You should know.. she was with you went it happened!"

"What? She's been with your mom all day.. Keshia came and told me she was in the hospital because she fell of the couch and hit her head"

"Jewel told me she was having trouble breathing.." I looked over at them

"I told your ass to stick to the same lie" Keshia mumbled

"What the hell is going on? Y'all got us up here worried and for what?" I asked getting pissed off

"Cuz Royal wasn't willing to talk to you or see you and I knew this was the only way to get y'all round each other" Take said

"Y'all really need y'all ass kicked.. I mean you couldn't think of nothing else, but trying to send me into premature labor" Royal gave them a stale face

"Lemme take you home" I sighed grabbing Set's keys. "You better find a way home"

"Mannnn" He smacked his lips getting in Take's car

I got in his car while Royal got into the passenger seat. I left the hospital hearing back to the house... I decided to break the silence since now was the perfect time to talk

"I know Jewel and Keshia told you the truth.. I'm not fucking around honestly baby.. I found out who sent you those messages"

"Who?" She asked looking straight ahead

"Briana.. the girl that said I put my hands on her"

"Qua... how am I really supposed to believe this? How?" She finally looked at me

I pulled into her driveway parking. "I can show you better than I can tell you"

Royalty POV

I messed with Qua's dreads while laid next to me.. I know I was hella wrong for snapping on him the way I did but honestly I didn't want to believe he was cheating on me again after everything he said but those messages seemed so realistic! But obviously she was a bitter ex just trynna get between us.

"You hungry?" I asked him while he searched for a movie on Netflix

"Whatchu trynna cook?" I already knew he was smirking.

"You'll see" I got up going into the bathroom to shower before I cooked

After my shower I went downstairs and got started on dinner. I still couldn't believe they girls told that lie about Sky! I put that on my mental to do list to get they ass back

I cooked the mashed potato's adding sum seasoning to give it the right flavor. I started on everything else grabbing a few plates down out the cabinet placing them on the counter. I figured a little dinner apologizing will the do the trick.

When everything was done I fixed his plate placing it on the table along with his drink

"Baby!! Dinners ready!!"

I heard him coming down the stairs. I looked up seeing him in just his boxers and his dreads loose hanging down by his face

"What you cook?" He asked wrapping his arm around my waist resting his hand on my ass

"Mashed potato's, steak,lobster tails and shrimp" I shrugged

"You cooked allat for daddy" He smacked my ass. "I appreciate it"

We sat down and ate dinner together and I realized the mistake I almost made letting this man go .. he was the only man I see in my life.

I loved him so much.

❤️Love is back in the air! ❤️
🤔How y'all feel on the situation?🤔
🤦🏽‍♀️🤥Jewel and Keshia lying 🤥 🤦🏽‍♀️
😍Quavo showing Royal he all about her 😍
What y'all think Qua's ex gon pull next? 🧐
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