•Chapter 23• The Outcome

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Five Months Later

Royalty POV

It's been a whole five months and Sky is home and out the hospital. She's doing really good and going on two but we did notice she has a speech impediment. She stutters and trips over the little words she can say and it breaks my heart because there's nothing that we can do about it. Her doctor suggested her taking some classes but Qua declined. He want her to have a normal life and not have people think she had a disability which was the situation but I could understand where he was coming from. Yaté just turned 4 and was going to head start in the next week or so. I was happy that my babies was doing good!

I walked in the house with Yaté running in front of me Going into the game room where Set, Take, Lingo, Skipp and Durell was playing video games. I went into the Kitchen where I saw Qua racking up on some snacks wit Sky in his arms

"Hi my babies" I smiled

"Mama!" Sky giggled reaching for me. I took her kissing her forehead

"Hey baby.. how'd the appointment go?" He asked finally turning around

"It went really good! Everything looks fine and we're both healthy"

Oh! I forgot too mention I'm 3 months pregnant! Some point in time during all of the Dream drama I found myself pregnant but didn't find out till I was only two months. I put Sky down as she took off to the game room to hang wit the fellas

"I'm glad.. ion need my baby coming out looking like one of them thangs of wrong turn" He said in all seriousness making me laugh

"You stupid!" I laughed

Pretty soon we were all in the game room chilling while Sky got in the way as she always did. It was kinda cute how she wanted to enter act wit them like she's a big girl and really know what she's doing.

After awhile everybody started to leave leaving me and Qua alone.

"I'm going to get the kids bathed and in bed" I got up headin for the stairs

"Wait! Lemme do it.. you always do it lemme help out" I looked at him and thought about it for a minute

"Why not" I shrugged giving him Sky. "I'm going to take a shower" I went upstairs to our bed room laying out my pajamas which was my bra and shorts.
I walked out the bathroom to find Qua soak and wet. I tried not to laugh but I couldn't help it he couldn't get them bathed without getting him or the whole bathroom wet.

"Did you fall in?" I joked

"They always splashing can never sit still"

"I never tend to get wet when I bathe them"

"Well you must be damn water resistant" He mumbled pulling out clean clothes to change into

I laughed even hard at how serious he was

"Poor baby" I kissed his cheek. "Go take a shower daddy"

While he showered I got in bed laying down turning on Netflix finishing up the last season of America Horror Story. I felt my eyes get heavy and I knew then and there I was gonna be out like a light!

Quavious POV

I held Sky in my arms while I helped Yaté whip the eggs. I was happy to know my lil baby was gon be alright but that she'll have trouble talking as she gets older. Her stuttering is okay now but the doctor did warn us that it will only increase as she get older and recommended her taking a speech class. I wasn't trynna have my daughter in there and make her think something wrong wit her when it's not! She's not handicapped! She's not disabled she just trips over her words... everybody does!

I took the bacon up setting them on a plate on the counter along with the pancakes I made. I normally didn't cook this much for breakfast but this is half the shit Royalty was craving. I couldn't believe I was on baby number three I was more than happy to have a new baby and experience being a daddy all over again but this was the end right here!! Three is enough and I know we'll most definitely have our hands full with me going on this tour with Drake in the next couple of months and Royal being in the studio her self working on her new song. I was proud of my baby she was expanding her career and doing more even being a full time mom.

Pretty soon she came downstairs rubbing her eyes wearing one of my Culture 2 hoodies with her curls all over the place.

"Morning baby" I kissed her cheek

"Morning... who's all this food for?" She asked taking Sky from me putting her in her high chair.

"You.. us" I smiled. "I know you've been craving half of this shit so I figured I'll whip up some of it"

"Thank you so much babe" She smiled fixing Sky a bowl of grits and eggs breaking up a piece of bacon to go in it

I sat down and fixed my plate and Yaté's. We all ate in silence until Sky broke the silence

"D—ddada" She reached for me

I sighed getting up walking over to her picking her up.

"Why does she y'all like that?" Yaté asked

"Like what? She talks just like the rest of us" I shrugged sitting back in my seat as she fell asleep. "Finish your food"

After breakfast I cleaned up and headed upstairs where Royal and the kids were laying in bed watching The Secret life of pets or sum shit. I've seen a thousand cartoon movies and I swear they come out wit more of them bitches every week. I got in bed as they all laid against me I placed my arms around them while rubbing Royal's stomach wit my free hand.. this is where I wanted to be forever!

Thirty minutes into the movie everybody was out like a light. I changed the movie to Texas chainsaw of a massacre until my phone went off. I sighed reaching over looking at it too see I had a text message from a unknown number. I opened it and saw a text

Unknown number
I really miss you Qua.. I miss us!

Who the fuck is this???

Unknown Number

Hell nawl!!!

Cliffhanger!! 😂😂But lemme know what you guys think baby girl Sky all good and their expecting baby number three 😍 y'all rooting for another boy or girl ??

And I'm lowkey hurt I have heard from ExclusiveNay2x the last two chapters 😭

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