•Chapter 19• How?

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Royalty POV

I sat in between Keshia and Jewel who talked and tried to keep me sane about this whole situation. I haven't seen or talked to Qua since last night, Yaté has been asking about his sister all day and I just don't know what to tell him! How do you explain to a three year old that his baby sister was taken by somebody that wanted to get back at me and Qua?

"Quavo here" Keshia informed me looking out the window

I got up and met him outside and of course the look on his face didn't seem happy

"So what'd you find out? Do you know who got her?"

"Nahh... I got a idea tho. Last night before I left Masika texted me talm bout she can't come to the A and when I asked why she just left me on read" He scoffed. "How you holding up tho?"

I shrugged. "I don't know..."

"Hmmm... well I'm just here for a bit then imma head over to the mall and see if anybody know who took her" He went inside leaving me outside

Was it too much to ask for a happy regular life?

I went in the house shutting the door going upstairs to see Qua sitting on the edge of his bed. I walked in sitting next to him placing my head on his shoulder

"What if sum happens to her?" He asked never looking at me

"Nothing is gonna happen to her! She's gonna be find and we're gonna find her.." I sighed kneeling down in front of him

"This is my baby girl! I shoulda had her wit me... I shouldn't have left her"

"Baby you had to work.. you couldn't bring her all the way out to LA for a studio session! It isn't for your fault.. it's nobody's fault" He finally looked at me. "It'll be fine" I kissed his cheek

After awhile he left and headed out to go and see what else he could find. I sighed leaning against the counter only for Yaté to run in hugging my legs. I picked him up placing him on the counter

"Where's Sky mommy?" He asked looking at me

I sighed. "She went to spend a couple of nights with a close friend of daddy's" I lied again

"Okay" He nodded turning his attention to Skipp and Lingo who was walking in

"He Skippy! Wassup Lingo.. what y'all doing here?" I asked curiously

"Qua told us too come by and make sure you was good.." They shrugged and I already knew they was lying

"He was just here... what are y'all really here for?"

"We got sum to tell you" Lingo sighed finally caving

"Well what is it??" I shrugged waiting for them to get to the point

"Dream isn't dead...." Skipp finally answered

I stared at him blankly as my world came to a complete stop


Quavious POV

I walked into the store my ma was at when it happened I know they had to see sum or at least a surveillance camera had to catch sum shit! It couldn't be that hard... I just know if Masika has anything to do with this her ass was gone be mine and I meant that on everything I love!

I walked up to the guy at the counter and to be honest he looked hella nervous and I couldn't figure out why.

"A few days ago a little girl was in here and somebody took her.. I'm sure you saw sum righ?" I asked leaning against the counter

"Come on" He nodded towards the back. I hopped across the counter and followed him to a back room where a small tv was

"This it?" I asked

He nodded. "She said if I told anybody she would kill me!"


He played the video back and I watched closely and I couldn't believe what my eyes was seeing! I rewind the tape to make sure I wasn't tripping. How the fuck was that even possible!! Why is she here?!! I thought her ass was dead!! No! She can't be alive... she just can't be!

"I gotta go!" I rushed out walking out to the parking lot getting in my truck starting it speeding out the parking lot

I had to tell Royalty! I just had too!!

Ooooo!! I just keep y'all on edge wit the spiciness! 😂 anyway give me them thoughts! I told y'all I had drama on the way but y'all ain believe me! I bet y'all do now huh 😏

Royalty III // Quavo&IndiaWhere stories live. Discover now