•Chapter 2• Back To The Basics

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Quavious POV

I've been home for a few hours and I was glad!! I was able to relax and spend sometime with my baby. It was kind of different being home because almost everybody was here for some reason whether it's me, the kids or just stopping by for no reason which was everyday all day! My mama moved in temporarily to help Royal with the kids since I couldn't really over exert myself.

I watched as Royal walked in the living room plopping down next to me placing her legs in my lap

"Keshia is coming over and your mom took the kids too see some of her friends"

"Hmm.. you know I think you and Keshia used to mess around" I looked at her

"It was a one time thing.. and plus we were drunk" She shrugged

"You know I'm disappointed because I didn't get a invite.. you know it's been my dream to have a threesome"

"Boy!" She laughed pushing my playfully. "Maybe on your birthday if your a good boy"

"Pshh! I'm always good.. gimmie a kiss tho"

She leaned towards me pecking my lips repeatedly. I pulled away smiling pretty soon the doorbell rang and I knew loving on each other was postponed.

I leaned back as I heard them talk and pretty soon they came into the living room

"Wassup Qua!" We did our handshake

"What's good"

See, me and Keshia been cool for awhile! I liked her way better than Zay ass. Keshia was cool with everybody and she was a drama free chick but don't let all that fool you.. she pretty but crazy ass hell! This girl will turn up on you if you cross her or anybody she close too.. her ass low key need to be in a straight jacket.

"What y'all getting into today?"

"We might hit up the mall.. go get sum lunch" Royal shrugged. "Why?"

"I was gon hit up the stu.. Take gon come by and pick me up"

"That's all fine or whatever, but where's my babies?" Ke interrupted

"With their grandma giving me a break, but I guess we better get going"

"Bye baby... get sum I like" I smirked

"Mhmm" She kissed my lips before grabbing her purse and leaving

I got up and went upstairs to shower and get ready for the studio. I was glad to be getting back in action because a lot of shit was popping off this year! With Culture being out we had a bunch of tour dates coming up, photo shoots, interviews and I had a bunch of solo projects I was working on and I knew it was gon be lit!

This year was ours!!

Royalty POV

I sat across from Ke in the food court in the mall I was enjoying my free time away from the kids which was very rare because I didn't trust many people with my kids unless it was immediate family and friends.

"So, how's things been going since CJ's death? I know you can sleep good at night knowing he gone"

"Yes!! But I can't get too comfortable because I still don't know who shot Qua. He said he couldn't see his face but he could hear his voice" I sighed

"Was it a familiar voice too him?" She asked

"Nope! Obviously it had to be somebody that works with CJ, but ion know who.. everybody he had working for him came after us so this person is either new or had been working behind the scenes this entire time!"

I mean nothing about it makes since! Nothing about this story was adding up.. i just wish I could find out who it was because nobody comes too mind! Nick didn't do it and Devin most definitely couldn't pull it off.. who the hell could it have been?

"Well in the mean time the only thing you need to worry about is your king and your two little angels" She smiled

"I know.. I'll just be glad when I know for sure my family is completely 100% safe cuz I really don't want Qua going on tour right now"

"Girl he'll be fine. With Take and Set by his side and the rest of them QC niggas Dey ain't gon let nothin happen to King Quavious" She laughed a little

"You know if he heard you call him that it'll make his head even bigger" I laughed

"We can't have that!! That shit already look like it's been hit my dodge balls and swelled up.. I just wanna know where he gets it from cuz his mama head ain't big and neither is his sisters"

"His daddy"

"That explains it" She nodded. "Anyway let's enjoy the rest of the day before you have to start back on mommy duties"

"Whatever" I smirked getting up throwing my trash away walking through the mall stopping by a few more stores before leaving

After a few more hours I made it back home around the same time Qua did. We still had the house to ourselves meaning it was very quiet and that's the way I wanted it.

I sat my bags by the dresser and went into the bathroom starting the shower

"Somebody went by Pink" Qua walked in smirking

"Don't I always?" I pecked his lips. "How was the studio?"

"Good! We actually finished a song.. Set girl already did her verse now we trynna get Nicki on tha track"

"Why not just let Cardi be the only female? Is Nicki really needed?" I rolled my eyes

"Don't start that shit.. you and Cardi both be on some shit"

"Scuse me?" I crossed my arms shifting my weight to my left leg

"Y'all don't even have a reason for not liking the girl" He sighed

"Cuz she a hoe.. a whole damn plastic Barbie"

"Like Cardi ain't have no work did" He scoffed

"At least her shit look natural"

"At least she on her boss shit tho.. runnin thangs and shit"

"So is Cardi and me for that matter! When it come to Nicki yo ass act like a damn fool.. I mean if you feel that way bout her go be wit ha.. her and Meek broke up anyway" I turned around stripping out of my clothes

"Whatever" He walked out the bathroom slamming the door behind him

I swear imma kill this man!

Filler guys!! I know it's corny but trust me it's gon be drama coming soon! But gimmie your thoughts🤔 I wanna know what y'all think on the whole Nicki and Qua situation!

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