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Rewritten: Jan 2020
This story actually has a plot now so I figured it was about time I rewrote this prologue, lmao. Also revamped the summary!

This is also posted on Ao3 under the same username and title!!

This is also posted on Ao3 under the same username and title!!

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Blades flashed silver as they spun. Banana, milk, and protein powder mixed together under watchful, if sleepy, green eyes. The thick shake was poured into a large glass, and a scarred hand grasped it gently. Condensation printed around crooked fingers.

Izuku was up a little later than usual, but that was okay - it was his day off. After passing out one too many times in the past ten years due to over-exerting himself to save other people, his therapist and his loved ones had finally got it through his thick skull that he needed to take a break once in a while: heroics was no easy career path, after all.

He smiled privately to himself against the rim of the glass. God knows it was a miracle he was still alive, and he was lucky to have such great friends and mentors to help him along.

The protein shake was cold against his tongue. His gaze flitted down to the dirty mixer, and after he rinsed out the worst of the residue in the sink, he placed it in the dish-washer and padded over to the living room. Izuku settled on the sofa and turned on the TV, slumping back against the cushions and sipping his drink as he got up-to-date on the morning's news.

Since he and his friends had graduated, crime levels in Japan had dropped significantly, and he couldn't be prouder of all of them. Despite the lower activity, there was always something to do, even if it was something simple like helping someone carry their shopping bags. Despite probably being the most powerful hero of all time, it wasn't rare for Deku to be seen soothing children and rescuing animals, and that was what made him consistently top the popularity rankings.

He just loved helping people. He loved it so, so much. No amount of money or fame could top a grateful smile, in his opinion.

Izuku's jaw abruptly tightened, and he turned up the volume on the TV. Another grieving civilian crying through a broadcast that begged heroes to do something about the latest serial killer villain. His heart clenched and he blinked against the warmth in his eyes. She was the wife of the most recent victim.

"How many more innocent lives have to be ended before someone will stop that evil man?" She cried, voice thick with emotion and hands visibly trembling. "It's been four weeks, and he's still out there! We're all living in fear that we'll be the next victim... The Pro Heroes made a promise to protect us, so why... why is nothing being done?! Please... Please... Just stop Banisher before anyone else has to lose someone they love!"

He wasn't on the case, but he knew that lots of people were doing their utmost to bring Banisher down. His best friend, Ochako, was one of the main heroes on-call for any situations when the police needed some extra muscle. Aizawa had been on the team right away, since underground heroes were the best bet for uncovering impossible information, but he... The assignment came to an abrupt end after only two weeks due to unforeseen circumstances. Any leads he might've found hadn't been reported in time, so it was... it was all a waste, and Izuku was frustrated.

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