Chapter 26 - The Donation

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Lunch was a dismal affair for Miller at Fonda Anita with the formidable, Anita de la Gonango el Nutrado watching his every move. He figured since he was not sure about when he could leave, he would end his stay with huge meals, using up his chits as fast as possible. The problem was eating alone.

He had unquestionably alienated Billy with his comment about the money and wondered now if his plan would be as successful as he hoped. He nibbled at his chicken salad and drank without tasting his wine; eating without Billy was just no fun . . . anything without her was no fun! Anita sailed up to his table with a small dish of pastries and set it down without comment.

"I didn't order dessert."

"It is with my compliments, senor."

"It is? Why?"

She smoothed her long skirt and poked a deadly nail into her tightly wound hair. "It is to apologize for my earlier behaviour toward you, senor. I have since come to realize just how wrong my initial judgement was."

"And how did you reach that conclusion," he asked, sampling a sweet.

Anita blushed mightily and wet her heavily painted lips. "Senor Estrada uhm- enlightened me."

"Really. Interesting. Well, no harm no foul, senorita. I accept with grace and a sincere thankyou." He popped the rest of the sweet in his mouth and chewed happily.


Miguel off loaded Miller's bags in the lobby and stood by while Miller dug out a pile of coins for a tip. He received a jerky bow and the resort smile as the diminutive driver scurried away. Helen Ramirez was behind the reception counter and she beamed her hostess smile upon him as he approached.

"Senor Hunt, how sad it is to see you leaving Windy Palms."

"I almost believe you mean that, senorita." Her face showed his remark was unwarranted and she bowed her head. "Sorry, I guess after all that's happened I'm feeling a little self pity."

"Well I have a remedy for that, senor."

"I hope it's not another island drink."

She laughed and the sound was musical, lifting his spirits a little and when she handed him his bill he couldn't figure out what he was looking at.

"I don't understand . . . ?"

"You have been complimented for your entire stay, senor. It is to compensate for the errors, attitudes and circumstances of your visit."

"I don't know if you were aware but this was a company trip for me, as an employee - part of their profit sharing plan. It was all pre-paid."

"In that case, Senor Miller, we will keep the payment as compensation for having you here."

Miller stared, incredulous. Had she really said that? Did she mean that? As he watched her face the stern expression morphed into a beautiful, teasing smile and she took his hands in hers, tilted her head and waited until he regained his composure and realized the tease.

"Senor Hunt, there is one added item . . . Senor Estrada requests the pleasure of your company for dinner along with his daughter and myself in his villa. We will be eating at eight and having cocktails at seven. Miguel will pick you up at six forty-five."

"I'm at a loss." Miller withdrew his hands and held them out in a helpless gesture."Wow! This is quite something."

"Until seven then, Senor."

"But I've packed everything!"

"It is a very casual affair, senor. What you have on is just fine."

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