Chapter 23 - Crumbling Alibis

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Astrid wasn't sure what to think about being released. Charles was still in custody and the captain had said that they expected him to remain there until they had looked further into the alibi of Senor Ordman. She was pretty certain that whichever one they chose to arrest and charge she would be in the clear except for trying to steal the money.

Astrid went to her room and had a long luxuriating shower as she plotted how to retrieve the excess money she had hidden before being caught. Since there was no way of knowing how much was in the safe originally there would be no reason to suspect that there was any more than what they had now.

She smiled and hummed a tune as she envisioned herself far from Windy Palms, with a large sum of her own money, enjoying the same extravagant life of the people she had served so long .


Gary poured another glass full of Tequila and with a shudder and a clenched face he downed the entire amount. It was the third and the burn he was beginning to feel in his gut was tapping the clarity he had in his head. Warez had him pegged for both killings. He knew it by the way his eyes gleamed with each faltering answer and now with nobody to provide him with an alibi his future was almost upon him. He eyed the bottle and tilted another stiff measure into the glass.

Glenda was his only out. He had to convince her to back him up somehow. He gulped some more of the fiery liquid and coughed harshly. She could say he went to her room after the maid left. The time would save him from getting to the beach and killing Graves, then she could say he stayed until breakfast. What did he do that morning?

He cast about the room for an answer but his foggy brain couldn't focus. The maid! He suddenly remembered. The maid had stayed with him until morning and now she was denying it. Perfect! She wouldn't contradict him saying that he went to Glenda's now; it would shine the light right back on her.

His plan took form; he needed to speak to Glenda. He could say to Warez that he was protecting her reputation by not mentioning her part. It sounded very weak, even to him, but he was desperate; he could not be arrested down here for something he didn't do-for anything as far as that went. He would never get out of Mexico again.


Hector was certain that Astrid was supposed to alibi Charles for the killings, which meant that they both would be sharing the money. He didn't believe for a moment that Charles would murder two people for such a small sum as they found on her and share it as well. Hector lit a cigarillo and sat in Charles' chair and put his feet on the desk and did some deducting out loud. "Astrid had less than one hundred thousand dollars in the bag when they caught her, meaning Senorita Estrada and Senor Hunt either took some before Charles caught up with them or Astrid somehow hid some before getting caught."

He rolled his cigarillo in his fingers and squinted at the ceiling. "Astrid let herself get caught knowing that all she would be charged with was taking the money, which they recovered. She had no intention of alibiing Charles." Both theories were sound and while he liked the one about Astrid better, he felt it only prudent to check out the other couple.

The gossip he'd been able to get from a couple of the police officers told him that Gary Ordman was also a prime suspect and Hector knew that Ordman's only hope was Glenda . . . which if she helped him it removed his own protection. He thought about Glenda Weiss and their pact to lie for each other, wondering if she would be interested in furthering their relationship if there was a large sum of money involved.

This might be just the plan to cut Ordman out permanently. He dropped his feet from the table and stood, hitching up his trousers; Hector Prince may yet emerge unscathed and richer. Find out what she thinks first and if it is good news then find the money. Hector flicked his smoke away and left the office.

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