The Funeral

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Chapter 31


That was all Samantha felt at the moment. It's been two weeks since Harry's death and it set everyone on edge. Especially his kids and wife, Seth, Leah and Sue. Today was the day of his funeral which Samantha didn't want to attend to but she decided to go for Harry.

Samantha glanced to where Jacob was sitting and for a split second their eyes connected with each other's but Samantha took her gaze off of him. In the two weeks that have passed by, both Samantha and Jacob have been ignoring each other ever since the little kiss they shared.

Samantha glanced around the room and saw Charlie who had tears streaming down his face but he would quickly wipe them away with his sleeve. Along side him was Bella who looked like she was in her own world. As for Harry's kids and his wife, just like Charlie, had tears in their eyes that were rolling down their cheeks.

An - I'm not 100% sure if Sue was Harry's wife but for this story I'll put her as his wife 😏

"We all gather around here today to respect the lost of Harry Clearwater." The Eulogist said through the mic. "His daughter, Leah Clearwater, would like to say a few words." As in cue, Leah got up from her seat and walked up to the stage as she walked towards the mic. Samantha could hear her heart race by the minute.

"Thank you all for coming. My dad wasn't just my dad. He was everyone's dad. Whenever I would go with him to his work, I saw how he treated his workers as if they were his own family. My dad was the type of man that would take a bullet for anyone whether he knew you for a short period of time or if he didn't even know you at all, that's how much he cared for anyone. My dad is basically my world. He was my hero, my best friend." Leah paused as she tried to stop the tears that were desperately trying to escape her eyes. Samantha shut her eyes tightly as she heard a sob escape Leah's lips. Seth quickly went to comfort his sister. The two Clearwater siblings held each other in an embrace. As soon as they walked off the stage Samantha's brother walked up there and made his way towards where the mic stood.

"I've known Harry ever since I was a little kid and I know he would want this special someone who he very deeply cared about to talk in his funeral. His friends daughter, Samantha Uley, would like to say a few words as well." All eyes glanced at where Samantha sat at. Samantha soon got up from her seat and walked to where her brother was at. Once Sam got off the stage, Samantha silently coughed as she saw everyone's eyes on her.

"Um hello, for those of you who don't know me, I'm David Uley's daughter known as the little girl who ran away." She earned a few gasps from the audience causing her to chuckle. "Yeah figured you'd do that. Harry wasn't just a friend of my dads, they were more like brothers. Harry also wasn't just also mine and my brothers family friend, he was family to us. I remembered the time were Harry would take both my brother and I out for ice cream or go to the park with his kids and just have a good time."

"I remember asking my grandma on why the best people die." Samantha paused herself as she remembered sitting on her grandmothers lap while she read her a story.

"She asked me, when you're in a garden, which flowers do you pick?"

"The most beautiful ones."

"No words can explain how badly Harry will be missed but I know that one day all of us will see him again." At that, she turned around and walked over to where Harry's coffin was at and saw that it was open revealing his stiff body. Samantha leaned down and kissed the top of Harry's head.

"I'll miss you."


After the funeral was done, Samantha walked outside and made her way towards to where Seth and Leah stood at. As soon as Samantha made an appearance to them, she was soon pulled into a hug. One of both Leah and Seth's hand was placed against Samantha's back. Samantha wrapped her arms around them and pulled them closer to her. Leah excused herself when she felt the familiar tears form in her eyes.

"Take care of her Seth. I know he was your dad to but Leah is taking this a lot harder than you are. You guys are going to be fine. You two may seem like you're not going to make it but trust me in this, you guys will be okay." Seth didn't say anything but pull her into a hug.

"Thank you," he mumbled while hugging her tightly. As they hugged, a tear escaped Samantha's eye causing her to quickly shut them and hug Seth tighter.


Samantha sighed as she saw Leah sitting on a bench all by herself. She can smell her salty tears that were probably running down her cheeks. Once she got to her, she sat down in the empty spot that was next to her.

"How do you deal with this?" Leah asked her.

Shrugging her shoulders, Samantha responded,"I don't know, you fight it I guess."

Leah grumbled not liking Samantha's answer. "How do I make the pain go away?"

"Lee, no matter how much you want the pain gone you have to try to fight it. It may be hard but it's all you can do," Samantha replied.

"It hurts so much."

Samantha didn't say anything but place her hand on top of Leah's while giving it a tight squeeze telling her that she's not alone. "I promise you Lee, you're going to be okay in the end."


Once Samantha dropped off Leah, Seth and Sue at their house, Samantha began to drive to her house wanting nothing more but to be in her comfy pajamas while laying in her bed and watch nothing but Netflix.

Samantha pressed down on her brakes when she saw a shirtless Frankie standing in front of her car. Rolling down her window, she shouted at Frankie,"What the hell are you doing!" Ignoring her, Frankie opened the door to the passenger side and sat down not really caring that he was soaking wet due to the rain that had happened an hour ago.

Samantha soon calmed herself down when she saw something different about Frankie. "You okay?"

"Jennifer broke up with me."


Again, thanks the lord that this chapter was already written in 3rd person ha I actually like how it was previously written so I will leave it as it is. I'm just in a roll today with these chapters lol I'll probably have another chapter up today xx

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