" You've Got Fire I Like Fire "

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"Why are we in the woods? It's freezing out here and all I'm wearing is a crop top and shorts," Samantha informed Victoria as she crossed her arms and held them to her chest to keep her somewhat warm. "And how the hell do you manage to get inside my house without one of the guys sensing your presence?"

"Well thanks to your scent that could basically mask any creatures scent, that's how I got in and I want to show you something," was all Victoria said while both her and Samantha jumped over a boulder that had blocked their way.

"And what would that something be?" Samantha questioned but soon enough had found her answer.

"Vic, why are you bringing me here?" She asks her as they both stood in front of a semi what burnt house that once belonged to Samantha and her family.

"I-I can't go in there Victoria." She began to turn around and head back home but was stopped by Victoria who had grabbed ahold of her wrist.

"Let go of me," Samantha said between her clenched teeth as she tried her best to not yank off Victoria's arm.

"I wouldn't bring you here if it wasn't important Sammy. Don't you trust me?" Victoria knew about what had happened to the teenagers parents. At the time when she first met her, the teenager was lost and completely broken. She had bruises on her arms as well as scratch marks on her face that had healed themselves slowly. Once she found out who and what she was, she knew she had to protect her.

Samantha sighed to herself. She trusted Victoria a lot. The woman has helped and protected her. "Alright let's go but please let's do this quickly."

"If it helps I'll go in and you can wait for me out here," Victoria suggested which Samantha had nodded her head seeing as how she really didn't want go inside that house.

As she waited for Victoria, who was taking her sweet time, she looked around at her surroundings and saw that the once green tree leaves were now one by one falling apart from the trees and resting themselves in the ground. Waiting for someone to come and step on them.

Her eyes glanced at the burnt house she once lived in. She was about three years old when the fire had happened. From what Charlie had told her, someone had burned the house on fire while they were asleep. Their father was the first one to get everyone up and out of the house. He tried his best to put out the fire but it just kept on growing and growing. When the firemen had came, half of the house was brunt but they stopped it just in time for the fire to spread out to the other part of the house.

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