All Is Fare In Love And War

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Chapter 49

Chapter 49

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The soon to be Mrs. Cullen eyes widened at the sight of the pissed off wolf that was her best friend.

"Jake I-" she stopped herself when she gave a hard glare towards Edward. "You knew he was listening!"

"He needed to know," Edward informed her. He knew this wasn't the way to break the news to the wolf but he didn't do it for himself. He did it for Samantha. He hoped that their marriage would wake up the shape shifter and let him know that Bella wasn't his. That he would stop fighting for the humans heart and stay with his imprint.

"Not like this," she argued.

Jacob scoffed at the couple and stomped away. He had it with the blood suckers. He had it with Bella. He knew that she was going to become one of them but what he didn't know was that Bella was going to marry one of them. He heard Bella shout for him but he ignored her. He didn't want to be anywhere near her. He didn't even want to be breathing the same air as her. He wanted to be with his imprint. He wanted to be with the girl he loves not with the girl he thought was in love with.

"Jake please!" Bella pleaded, her voice cracking a little.

He stopped in his tracks and turned around,"I'm done. I'm so done!"

"W-what can I do?" She stuttered out. She wanted to make things right with him. She didn't want him leaving with all this anger he had inside him. It can probably kill him if he didn't think his actions through the fight.

"You can't do anything. I can," he pointed to himself then continued on "By going out there and killing something."

"No!" She shouted. "You're not thinking clearly! Don't do that!"

"Maybe I'll get myself killed and make it simple for you," he stated.

"No! Just Jake, please stay," she pleaded once more.

"Why?" he now began to walk to where she was at. "Give me one good reason."

"Because I don't want to lose you!" She didn't want her best friend to go and get himself hurt or killed. She didn't want to be the cause of her best friends death. She didn't want to deal with the pain of his lost. Seeing that what she said wasn't good enough, she said another thing,"Because you're too important."

"Still not good enough."

She saw him walking away and that was when she knew what she had to do,"Jacob!" Without rethinking the consequences that were waiting ahead for her, the words that escaped her lips made the Quileute boy come to a halt.

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