The Four Musketeers Reunite

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Chapter 12

Samantha's eyes spluttered open. Her eyes took in her surroundings as she realized that she wasn't in her room. She was in her living room, sleeping on one of the couches. She glanced at the velvet blanket that had kept her warm while she was asleep. She wondered who brought her back home. The last thing she remembered was that she was with Victoria and Caleb.

Wanting to get off the couch, she began to lift herself up only to have her clench her head as well as grab her side as it started hurt. Wondering what was wrong with her side, she lifted up her shirt and found a bandage placed on her right side.

What happened with Caleb, Victoria and I last night? She asked herself.

"Easy now. You were hurt badly when Derek brought you," said Dylan who had handed Samantha a glass of water as well as some Advil for her headache.

"What happened to me? Why do I have this thing in my side?" She asked him curiously.

"From what Derek told me. While he was patrolling he heard some noises so he went to go check them out only to find you fighting with a bloodsucker," he explained.

"Was I only fighting one o-?" She questioned, wondering if it was both Caleb and Victoria or one of them left while she fought the other.

"Derek said it was just one. A guy."

That little bitch left, Sia growled, referring to Victoria.

"He told me that you took a pretty big hit because apparently you sensed that he was there but nonetheless he said you kicked ass," Dylan told her which brought a small smile on her face on his last comment.

"You should probably take a shower. You smell like leech," he scrunched his face up making her roll her eyes at him.


The three musketeers which included Embry, Quil and Jacob who were all were in Jacob's garage just discussing about random things as well as drinking their soda that Embry had brought them from the gas station.

"It's not the same anymore," Quil muttered which caused Jacob and Embry to look over at him.

"What do you mean?" Embry asked him.

"It's not the same without Sammy," He responded then looked down at the ground.

"I know bud, I miss her to," Embry patted his shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look.

"Jake," Quil called out which made him look away from his phone.

"Yeah?" He asks him hoping that it wasn't about Samantha.

"You haven't said a word since I mentioned Sammy. Since you knew her more than any of us I would of thought you'd say something," he said making him sigh.

"I can't believe Charlie still puts up missing signs of her," Embry blurted out causing Jacob to sigh in relief.

When Billy had broken the news to Charlie's about Samantha's disappearance as well as her parents passing, he didn't really take the news so well. They all didn't blame him, he was going through a rough time with his divorce and all. I guess you can add that to his list of stressful things.

"I say Megan Fox has the nicest boobs," Quil said, changing the subject, taking another sip from his soda.

Embry shook his head,"You're crazy. Cheyenne Houston from our school has the nicest boobs."

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