The Cullens

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Chapter 13


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The sound of the bottom of her converse squeaked every time she stepped on the sidewalk due to the rain that had just happened a few hours ago. Her hoodie was above her head while her hands were in her pockets. She stuck one of her hands out and pulled the door open. As she walked down the aisle, she felt as if someone was watching her. Even though it was a small shack, she couldn't help but be on alert. Grabbing the bag of hot Cheetos as well as a pure leaf tea. She waited behind a man who was next to pay.

"Next!" The cashier called out which caused the guy in front of her to walk towards the counter and place his items down.


She stepped forward and sent a small smile to the guy, who had just paid before her, when he glanced at her. Once she placed her things on the counter, she grabbed a five dollar bill from her back pocket.


She handed him the money and grabbed the black bag that had her items in it. Once she had received we change, she thanked the man then headed out the door. A sigh escaped her when the wind brushed through her face when she had opened the door.


"Help me!" Someone shouted.

Throwing her now empty bag of chips away, she quickly focused on where the shouting had come from then started to run once she knew where it came from. Once she got there, she saw that she was in an alley. She looked around her surroundings and soon found herself walking more deeper into the dark alley.

"Anyone there?" She called out.

Samantha Uley everyone, proving us how every white girl dies in horror movies, Sia said

She scowled at her then began to wonder where the person who had yelled out for help was at. Seeing as how this was a waste of her time, she started to turn around and was about to walk out of the alley but stopped in her tracks when she heard a low growl come from behind her. Turning around, she saw a pair of golden eyes staring at her direction. A growl of her own escaped her mouth.

It ran at her which caused them both to stumble and fall in a puddle of water. Ignoring the fact that they were both soaking wet, they quickly got up and stared down at one another. The creature let out a hissing sound as the young girl let out a growl. Again, it ran towards her and swung its hand out making her duck down and grab its arm and twist it. They let out a loud painful hissing sound then kneeled on the ground once she released their arm. She grabbed the back of its head and tugged on its hair which made them grunt but look up at her.

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