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[Eren's POV]

I made a mistake. I'm such an idiot. It was her special day, and I had to come rushing in with some rather unbelievable news. I was irrational, I needed to calm down. I better apologise to Mikasa.

I arrived at Mikasa's house to see an unfamiliar car parked up on the driveway. I shrugged it off, I assumed it belonged to a family friend. I walked up to the front door, and that's when I caught a glimpse of two familiar figures cuddling through the window. I took a closer look to see it was Jean and Mikasa. They were sleeping in each other's arms on the couch and... and it hurt. I quietly opened the door in an attempt to hide my presence, but I failed as I saw the couple glare at me.

"What are you doing here. Get out! Remember what I said I don't want you in my life any longer." Mikasa shouted.

"Look, I understand that you hate me...but as a... friend I advise that you reconsider your relationship with Jean. Please." I pleaded.

"Shut up asshole. Why would I listen to lying scum like you. You're just jealous, I can't believe I was friends with you. Why would anyone love you." She retorted.

As much as it hurt, I stood in silence with a straight face, poised and cool headed. I let out a breath.

"In all honesty, the sight of your beautiful face sends my heart into overdrive. You simply drive me crazy. However after the unfortunate events that unravelled tonight, I know now that I'm not the one who is in the wrong. You're so naïve, and as much as it pains me to say it, I... I just can't take it anymore." I declared

I looked at Mikasa, and she was still stone cold. Heartless

"I've got to move on. I did it all for you, but it seems you took my affection for granted. I'm not going to waste my time. I treated you right yet you still can't recognise that. We had a strong connection but as soon as Jean enters the picture you change. Well I know my worth and I know what I deserve and obviously it's not you! Goodbye Mikasa Ackerman."

With those final words I departed the house with tears falling down my cheeks, but I had to let it out.

[Mikasa's POV]

E-Eren... he left. W-Why... no, I know exactly why it came to this. I was his friend and I shouldn't have behaved the way I did. Now it's to late my.....Eren i-is gone.

Tears started steaming down my face as I tried to come to terms with just happened. Jean came over and tried to comfort me, but it didn't feel right. What I wanted right now was to feel Eren hold me close, and... I just don't know anymore.

I regret everything. This something I have never experienced before. Is this remorse...or...are my feelings towards Eren, romantic.

[Eren's POV]

I wandered around the streets aimlessly. I looked up at the night sky, gazing upon the millions of stars that illuminate the world. I became more relaxed.

I know I hurt Mikasa but she deserves to hear it. As much as I regret it...this was necessary. She had to be brought back to reality. I know her heart is with Jean but I still love her. My only way to show her is to protect her even if she hates me.

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