Bitter sweet birthday part 2

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[Eren's POV]

I arrive at my destination. I notice Mikasa sitting alone at a table. I was relieved that Jean wasn't here. I quickly dash inside the building to see Mikasa shocked.

"E-Eren what are you doing here?!?" She asked

I was still huffing after all the running I had done. I couldn't reply. So much for all those fitness sessions.

"You know what, I don't care, but did you happen to see Jean. He said he was going to the bathroom but that was 15 minutes ago." She asked in a slightly aggravated tone.

She doesn't know.

I finally caught my breath. I had to tell her.

"Listen, Mikasa I-I'm sorry... but Jean was never in the bathroom. I had run into him on my way home. What I saw him do was...horrible. He had a vulnerable girl pinned against a wall with her clothes barely intact. I stepped in but he countered. He then proceed to ... kiss the girl and left with a smirk."

I could see the tears building up in her eyes, but as much as it pained me to do it, I had to tell her. Because.... because I love her.

" I-don't believe it" she muttered

" I'm so sorry Mikasa. I also never told you,  but the reason Jean and I had our first fight was because I stopped him from sexually harassing another girl."

She didn't reply. She sobbed and it pained me to watch.

I hugged her. She cried on my shoulder as I stroked her hair.

Until we were interrupted.

"B-babe what is this... and you what are you doing here."

It was that asshole.

"Don't act dumb, the gig is up. She knows what you truly are." I said

"What the hell are you blabbering about." He replied

Then Mikasa spoke up

"Jean... why? Did you really kiss another girl. Explain why you left me alone." Mikasa said as she was still crying.

I could tell she still sided with Jean. She was in denial.

"Mikasa why would I choose anyone else besides a goddess like you. However I must admit I lied."

"See! I knew it!" I exclaimed

However Jean just ignored me. What did he have on his mind.

"I didn't go to the bathroom as you once thought. In actuality I left to pick up your birthday present. Unfortunately the traffic was pretty bad so it took longer than I anticipated. I'm deeply sorry for making you worry my princess." He lied

Jean pulled out a blue scarf and offered it to Mikasa.

I looked at Mikasa and my heart sunk. She was furious, but not with Jean, but me.

"Eren, how could you lie to me! We were friends. You promised you would support me." She shouted

"You... you were supposed to be there for me... no matter what"

"Just admit it Jaeger, you're jealous. You have feelings for my girl but you knew that your only obstacle was me. So you tried to dispose of me. Admit it!" Jean interjected

"Y-yes I admit it, Mikasa I.... I have feelings for you, but please believe me, Jean is a horrible man. Stay away from him." I begged.

My heart took more damage when she gave me a disgusted look.

"I have seen your true colours now Eren. You're jealous of Jean, and to think you made me believe such a ridiculous lie, to the point where I was in tears. I trusted you... and now you break that trust over your own selfish feelings How could you... y-you monster! I hate you with all my heart!!! Stay out of my life!"

For the first time, tears fell from my eyes. There was no longer any anger, just pain and sorrow. To hear those words from a friend, someone whom I trusted, someone whom... I loved, shattered my heart.

I pulled out my scarf which was red in colour and simply placed it in front of the birthday girl.

"Happy birthday" I murmured.

"Get that filthy thing away fro me" she responded.

I ignored her and left the restaurant. I took a glance back to see Mikasa blushing as Jean wrapped the blue scarf around her. Then they shared a kiss, and again I cried.

[Mikasa's POV]

I was heartbroken to find out that Eren, whom I trusted, lied to me because he was jealous. I didn't expect this at all. I regret what I said to him, but then again he deserved it, that lying bastard.

I'm so lucky to have a loyal boyfriend. Once again he's there when I need him. I also love the gift he bought me, but red is more of my colour. Nonetheless I love Jean.

After dinner we went to my house. Eren wasn't there which made me feel kind of guilty. However I was so fed up with his lies that I didn't care.

Jean spent the night at my house. We watched a movie then we eventually fell asleep on the couch.

It was a bitter sweet ending to my bitter sweet birthday.

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