Stone cold woman

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The same day

Ring Ring Ring

The bell rang to commence first period.

[Mikasa's POV]

I looked over to my left and saw that Eren's seat was unoccupied, not that it bothered me.

"Sorry I'm late sir!" The door flung open to reveal an exhausted and sweaty Eren puffing as he stood at the doorway.

" Oi brat! Shut up, sit down, and see me after school. You'll be cleaning this room at the conclusion of the school day. No objections." My Levi said.

"Y-yes sir" Eren said accepting his punishment.

His face looked so depressed it almost looked over dramatic and amusing. I couldn't help but let out a slight giggle at the sight of his suffering.

"Ackerman you will be joining Jaeger after school. Now shut up!"

Great. More time with that bastard. I hated the fact that when Levi sentenced me to time with him, the brunette's eyes lit up.

~Time skip~

[Eren's POV]

"Listen up you lowlife sissy's, I want this room spotless when I come back. I expect it to be so shiny that I can admire my reflection from the floors. So get to it!!" Levi Ordered

We immediately went to work. As sweat rapidly started falling down my face as I felt his stare pierce through me.

Then he left.

"This is all your fault" I heard Mikasa Speak.

"How it it my fault? I didn't do anything to you"
I protested

"If you didn't have such an ugly face, then I wouldn't be here." She laughed at her cheeky remark as she continued mopping the floor, until she slipped.

Unexpectedly my body moved towards her on its own. I caught her in my arms, and then our eyes met.

Here I was again, lost in a trance. Her wide ebony shaded eyes looked upon my own as I saw myself in her beautiful eyes. I felt my body temperature increase.

She's beautiful.

Out of nowhere I spoke breaking the silence. For some reason I wanted to say it.

"M-Mikasa.... I think you should know something ... the reason Jean and I were fighting was because..." Then I was cut off by the sound of the door opening.

"Mikasa are you here!?"

It was Mr horse.

"Oh there you are Mika-" he stopped momentarily.

He directed his vision straight at me. I realised that I was holding his girlfriend. Not only that, but our faces were inches away from each other. Yet what I noticed next shocked both Me and Jean.

Mikasa was blushing. She looked so fragile, so innocent, almost as if she was a different person.

"You bastard let go of her!" Jean shouted

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Mikasa just elbowed me in the gut.

"Let go of me pervert!!" Mikasa screamed as she wriggled her way out of my hold. She reverted back to the girl I hate.

The two embraced each other as they both stood and stared at me. Then Jean approached me and punched me in the face catching me off guard. He continued his barrage of viscous blows.

I couldn't do anything I was vulnerable. But really ticked me off was that Mikasa just stood and stared. No emotion could be seen on her face. Just a straight, stone cold face. What a heartless woman. I can't believe I thought of her as cute.

Thankfully Jean interrupted me before I revealed his true nature to her. I can't wait to see her heart break when she finds out for herself.

Jean stopped, but not before giving me one last kick to the face.

I was completely battered. Blood fell from my lips as my vision became blurry.

Damn those two.

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