Chapter 16

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I awoke to a frigid empty bed, listening in as faint shouts echoed from behind the closed door of the kitchen. I groaned at the howling wind but as I sat up, I was swimming in nausea. Underneath the strong pang of nausea was a pounding headache. Rubbing my eyes, to focus on Elizabeth's small vanity, the blurred vision faded out and solid shapes filled the void with muted colors of brown. Standing up, I moaned the nausea transforming into an uncomfortable state of dizziness. Grabbing clothes from the wardrobe, I slipped into a wool jacket and pants. I made my way down the stairs. I was greeted not by some psychotic entity but my wife and son bickering about clothing.

John groaned, his knuckles curling and unfurling from his palms. He stormed off, bumping his shoulder into mine. The initial plan was to talk to him about his behavior but by the look on Elizabeth's face, I knew that had been far from reality. "Are you leaving today?" Elizabeth asked as a roll sat on the table beside an untouched bowl of oatmeal. I deduced the bowl was initially intended for John but the roll sat untouched a thin pad of butter melting into the still warm top of said roll. I picked it up, feeling the warm butter drip down from my fingertips to my hand. Nibbling on an end, Elizabeth pushed a cup of tea in my direction.

She tapped her foot and I took the glass. Leaning against the counter, I swallowed the morsel of bread before relaying my response. "I am leaving today."


I nodded. "I do not want you to stay here alone. I will escort you to Angelica's house and hopefully you will stay there."

Elizabeth sighed and raised an eyebrow. "Is there a reason as to why I cannot come with you? Did something happen on the campaign trail that you have failed to mention?"

I felt a chill skitter down my spine as I closed my eyes for a moment. I finally opened them, meeting Eliza's gaze. Snow swirled around the house, blinding the windows that reflected the glimpses of the forest in the backyard. The creaking wood of the house caused another series of chills to crawl up my spine. I was suddenly trembling; not of piercing anxiety but of the icy tug of the cold.

"Why are you so eager for me to depart? Is there something that I am not aware of? You know I cannot bear it if you and John lose your lives."

Elizabeth hummed as I folded my arms across my chest, watching as she picked up another roll that sat in a basket on the counter near the basin. I hadn't even caught a break from Elizabeth's hard glare. Her footsteps towards me caused the floor to creak underfoot. The horses whinnied as I pulled my gaze away from Elizabeth towards the barn. I now noticed a blanket of white precipitation that laid out on the ground. The house felt unusually cold despite the small crackles of the embers that came from the fire that burned within the hearth.

Elizabeth watched me curiously as I made my way towards her. She gasped at the feeling of my cold hands against her lower cheeks. The stare never broke. It had become more like an immovable glare than a flustered stare. Said glare never failed to waver, or collapse. Her lips were pressed into a straight firm line as my hands found their way to her waist.

"We're going to be fine. I will stop in town to get supplies and a trustworthy escort. Even if that plan is subject to change, you fail to acknowledge the fact that I was at camp during Valley Forge."


Evading death as though it was the plague was easier said than done. The fact that I had managed to do so on multiple occasions became baffling to everybody who knew me. Yet, at the same time, it morphed into an unbelievable feat that nobody else seemed capable to surpass. I had managed to wriggle my way to outliving two of my children. That fact wasn't exactly something to be proud of. My arms fell to my sides as I exited the kitchen, listening to the clatter of pots and pans. The door swung shut behind me as I caught sight of John sitting on the steps, a book clutched in his grasp. His blue eyes held a glazed look to them. As though in a hypnotic trance.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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