Chapter 5

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It was easy to return to the town and the house. The workload hadn't exactly waned. The attorney who threatened Alexander's reputation was threatening and criticizing his work. Each task more menial than the first. It was as if he knew Alexander had gone through his belongings. He had grown distant from his family, from Elizabeth. He wouldn't stumble into the bed, into the warm embrace of the woman he married. He'd sit in his office, staring off in the distance and dozing off. It was as if the affair with Reynolds never ended. It was now early November, it became bitterly cold, snow dusted the streets of the town. Alexander was in his personal study, files upon files stacked up behind him, his pen furiously clicking against the sheet of paper and rubbing against the desk.


Elizabeth's voice rang through from the other side of the door. Alexander's pen dropped to the floor and he stood up, his eyes fluttered as they tried to stay open. Alexander walked towards the door and Elizabeth wrapped her arms around him. "Did something happen? Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth's trembles brought Alexander back to reality. Once again, work had consumed him like hell-fire. Elizabeth's touch was foreign. "The attorneys you work with are planning a revolt. Planning to rebel against whatever you did."

Alexander pulled away almost immediately. "Who started the revolt?"

"Some democratic republican. You have to resolve this case. Aaron Burr spoke with the British Ambassador."

Alexander backed away, his back facing Elizabeth. "Do you know what he spoke about?"

Elizabeth shook her head, "No. The paperboy came a few hours ago and dropped the latest paper. I'll bring it to you later this evening. People are rising against Jefferson."

Alexander absolutely confounded, smiled. His pistol hung from his belt. It was loaded with ammunition but Alexander was not ready to be fired. He wasn't ready to see the light leave another's eyes. Alexander pressed a kiss to Eliza's lips and said against the kiss, "Lock the door behind me."

"Alexander you don't need-"

The front door slammed as Alexander braved the furious icy nature of the November air. Horses whined in the distance. Walking towards the horse he had ridden months prior, he mounted it once again and rode towards the legislature. Throwing open the door, politicians turned their heads facing the pale faced man who was thought to be dead. Just like when I fell gravely ill. They look at me as though I'm a ghost, a mere figment of the imagination.

Alexander shook his head in disgust as he took the podium. Words fell from his lips, claps erupted from the crowd as one man approached him, "Will you be defending Associate Justice tomorrow afternoon?" Alexander failed to acknowledge the hoardes of news reporters, pens furiously writing short sound bites of information.

The court case was tomorrow? Fuming, Alexander didn't bother answering one of the petty journalists before mounting the horse once again and heading towards the firm. A mob gathered shouting cries. "Well-" A gunshot was fired into the air.

Burr stood, his lips twisted in a smile. "If it isn't the man who stole my position in the cabinet, the man who robbed me of my possible delegation and now the man who evaded death. What can't you do?"

Alexander narrowed his eyes, "I heard you spoke to the ambassador a few days ago. About what?"

Aaron smiled and said, "Information in relation to expanding our country. I hope you know about Jefferson's purchase." Alexander narrowed his eyes at the Senator. Of course Hamilton was aware of the Louisina Purchase, he may have been sleep-deprived but he wasn't a moron. His posture was not that of a man who achieved greatness a few days prior. He was slumping forward, frustration concealed behind his eyes. A silent fire cracked within the frustration. He noticed that despite his big ego, Burr had failed in getting the appreciation of whatever he had discussed with the ambassador. His pistol was placed in its holster, his lips twisting into a clearly displeased smile.

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