Chapter 6

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Sunlight streamed from the window, Alexander's eyes squinted against the blinding white light of the sun. Sitting upright, he found Elizabeth's side empty, bloodied footprints led towards the kitchen. No. Bile rose from the back of his throat, the salty taste filling his mouth. He closed his eyes as he emerged from the bedroom towards the unusually large kitchen. Sitting in a chair trembling, Elizabeth sat, a glass of beer sitting in front of her.

Alexander bowed his head as he glanced at the un-moving form. "What the hell perspired?"

Elizabeth shook her head yet her trembling hands failed to stop. "Alexander, you have to understand-"

"Understand what? Whoever you managed to gun down couldn't have been a threat towards you-" Alexander's words seemed foreign, seemed off as though his voice wasn't his.

Elizabeth cut Alexander off briefly. Her words became frantic, as though she were concealing something from him. "The neighbors heard screams, the husband undoubtedly grabbed a horse and is going to the station. They'll be here any minute."

"There were blood droplets in our bedroom, Eliza. Don't lie and say he was gunned down out here. It's apparent that he wasn't."

Elizabeth knew Alexander was a lawyer. A brilliant one, one who wouldn't dare to tarnish his license. Alexander also knew he didn't have to throw Elizabeth under the water. Knew he didn't have to answer questions unless he was presented with a lawyer of his own. Or I could defend Eliza. Alexander stepped over the body towards Elizabeth and said, "It was out of self defense. Who was it?"

"Some man who opposed you fervently. He threatened to shoot you if I didn't claim your death to be suicide."

Alexander shook his head in disgust. Alexander jumped at the sound of fists pummeling the front door. Curses fell from his lips as he opened the door. "Do you have a warrant?"

"Mr. Hamilton, we got a report that a gunshot was fired early this morning. The complaint said you own a pistol, one used frequently in illicit duels."

Alexander stood up, staring at Elizabeth who ran her finger across the smooth glass of the mug. His hand released its clasp on Elizabeth's wrist, falling to his side. She watched as he exited the kitchen towards the front of the house. Through the milky glass of the window near the door, Elizabeth could clearly see two men brandishing badges, marks of honor from the revolution. Slung across their torsos was a musket. Clipped to their slacks belts were thin pistols. Glancing back at his wife, Elizabeth shook her head. Once again, Alexander's voice cut through the silence. "Do you have a warrant?" He repeated, impatiently.

One of the officers pulled a sheet of paper, placing it on the thin window. Alexander nodded skimming through the words on the sheet of paper. Self defense. The two words were repeated as a mantra. Alexander's blood ran like thin ice on the streets. His pulse quickened. Another officer drew his weapon and entered the house. Alexander led the two officers into his office and Elizabeth shook her head, walking back to the kitchen. He wasn't sure if she was going to aid in the explanation of the events or if she was going to watch him stammer over the words to truly express the events.

"Is it true that Aaron Burr visited you late last night after you returned from a court case in reference to the suspicious remarks made by one of the associate Justices?"

Alexander sat across from the one of the officers. A silent rage slowly simmered in his chest, a feeling he didn't recognize. Alexander was a mild-tempered man. It was incredibly difficult to enrage him but the presence of the cops and Burr's threats upon his own life seemed to stack up. The fact that Elizabeth hadn't left him after everything that perspired in the last few years fascinated and shocked him. The officers noticed his hesitation, his hesitation which soon became a sign of deep secrecy.

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