Chapter 2

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When did I fall asleep?

Rising from the cot, Alexander gazed down at Elizabeth, her chest rose and fell. For a moment it seemed that her breaths had become uneven. He wanted to wake her up, wanted to kiss her goodbye--he hadn't been planning on leaving so early in the morning. Grabbing the key from his discarded vest, he promptly walked to his study, unlocking the door. His gaze fell towards the papers that scattered the ancient desk. Pulling a fresh sheet of the parchment, he grabbed the quill from its inkwell and scrawled a note. Closing the door, Alexander placed the note on his pillow. A soft moan escaped Elizabeth's lips, Alexander then bent down, finally submitting to the urge to kiss her.

Promptly leaving the house, Alexander half expected to be stopped by Elizabeth, standing on the stoop, the chilly New York air quickly sunk into his bones. Chilling them. Placing his hands in his pockets, he approached his neighbor's house. He knocked on the door, his fist clenched pounding against the smooth cool wood of the door. A young man, perhaps in his twenties, opened the door. "What is it?"


"I know who you are." The man's voice was rough, harder than sandpaper. "What do you want? Elizabeth not enough for you?"

Alexander shook his head, his other hand clenched. Rage began to boil within his chest. Why did this man presume Alexander was here to screw around? He was there for business reasons, and business reasons alone. "That fails to be the reason as to why I'm even here. I came to see if I would get support-"

"Support for what? You're not running for a place in the government, are you?"

Alexander's gaze diverted to the worn wood of the patio under his feet. "Presidential," He finally replied, hands tensing and relaxing within the confines of his pockets.

The man narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms. "Give me one good reason why I should vote for you, if you were to run against Madison."

Alexander's head snapped up. James Madison? He's running? What about Jefferson? Words caught dead in his throat. For the first time, he failed to properly express his fascination and amusement. "He's retiring?" Hamilton's voice seemed foreign, the tone bridging the gap between maddening and concerned.

"He has urged vice president James Madison to run as the democratic-republican representative. Personally, I doubt it. President Jefferson has the entire country at his heels in support."

Alexander Hamilton scoffed at the thought of every person in the country having some intellectual backbone. Jefferson wanted a smaller federal government, weaker too. A weaker government would have failed in time of war. Hell, even a lack of government would have brought attention from the 13 states as just that thirteen states that failed to protect the very foundations Hamilton fought for and zealously defended.

"How did you find all this out?"

"It's in the New York Post," The young man replied rather stiffly.

At first, Alexander stared at the man, his jaw seeming to have fallen to the floor but quickly regained his composure. People were using the founding of the Post to side with the democratic republicans. Alexander knew very well that the freedom of the press was not just allowed in a religious manner. He knew very well that the newspaper had been formed to slam his political opponents behind a byline. He closed his eyes for a minute before opening them up, once again falling on the young man. Alexander hadn't noticed it, but the man had short brown hair and these piercing turquoise blue eyes. Alexander failed to notice if there was a ring on his finger but he saw it as it caught the light, shimmering. Alexander cleared his throat, finally speaking up once again, "Thank you."

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