Chapter 4

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Quick author's note: I should honestly be working on my United States history paper but instead I'm doing this. 


Alexander was even close to being ready to face Burr. The letter had become more of a fearful list of absurd disagreements, leading up to threatening his life. The evidence backing Burr's wild claims would continue to be nothing more than breadcrumbs to Burr's more than plausible lawsuit against Hamilton. It became increasingly evident, as well, that he didn't deserve the very presence of Elizabeth. A knock came from the other side of the door. "Alex? Are you alright?"

The letter was crystal clear in his mind, the words echoing, reverberating within the confines of his mind. Alexander wanted to do something, to tell Elizabeth but she had had enough pain for the rest of her days. Placing the letter into the desk, Elizabeth slowly and apprehensively stepped over the threshold. "Alex?" She repeated his name at the unusual blank and confused stare on his face.

"I haven't slept." He stated, as if that tiny factoid was insignificant.

Elizabeth shook her head, "It's not that at all, Alexander and you know that."

In reality, Alexander knew it, he was never this conflicted, never pondering what to do next. With trembling hands, he opened a drawer, eyeing the pistol, the one he kept during his time as a soldier. The weapon had always been a measure of precaution. Elizabeth was certainly aware of the weapon's presence but if she failed to acknowledge the presence of the weapon, she never spoke of it. Elizabeth had crossed her arms, a sign of impatience and inquiry. She wanted to know what was on his mind, to speak it without fear of being ridiculed. Shaking his head and with a soft chuckle, Alexander spoke, "It's nothing. It's simply irrelevant to your concerns. Besides, what would you know?"

"You'd be shocked at how much I really know. What was in the letter? Are you going to confront Senator Burr?"

"It's illegal." His empty, distant stare was transfixed on the door hinge behind Elizabeth's head. Elizabeth raised an eyebrow as she moved to close the door and lock it.

"And yet you did it anyways. You weren't exactly one to follow laws."

Alexander scoffed softly. He had been unfaithful to Elizabeth and yet she showed no bitterness about it, despite the occasional fight. However, as a lawyer, Alex is bound to follow and represent the rule of law. To support the written and unwritten words in the constitution. "I'm taking the exam tomorrow."

"Alex, shouldn't you take a break? You've been working without a decent break."

Alexander stood up and said, "What do you want me to do? Sit back and let Jefferson or Madison win the presidential campaign? Besides, politically speaking, nobody would dream to hire the former senator Burr."

"The British Ambassador will be in Philadelphia-"

At the incredulous look Alexander was giving Elizabeth, she continued. "It was present in another article in the paper. I'm surprised you didn't read that article, considering the markings pertaining to the justice' case."

Alexander shook his head, "How often do you sneak into my office? I had the key hidden."

"You're not exactly keen on concealing it though. Besides, I've found it hard to believe you're going to do what you have said you were going to do."

Alexander, ignoring her previous statement, inquires, "What about the British Ambassador?"

"He's visiting Philadelphia. When is unknown but his appearance is evident."

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