I Will Have You In My Life Finn

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Hey Guys, I'm So Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I been really unwell with a winter bug even thought it Autumn not Winter LOL. But I'm better now hooray for me cause i'm am able to give you guys the last chapter of this book. So here you go hope you guys enjoy xxx

Bayley- FINN

Bayley screamed out as she watched Baron corbin ruthlessly attack Finn, while Cathy and Seth watched on smiling with glee. Baron stopped beating Finn and dragged him to near Cathy and drop him at her feet 

Baron- What now?

Cathy- Now If Finn loves Bayley he will follow the rules and do what I say next 


Cathy- Oh dear Finn if you talk to me like that I'm gonna have to get Seth to hurt Bayley like last time remember 


Baron- They know already and Seth is the Baby Daddy 

Cathy- Poor Finny, how does that make you feel knowing that Seth is that child dad not you?

Finn-It makes me feel great because that baby isn't Seth's it Mine 

Cathy- Your Lying 

Finn- I'm Not, Bayley got pregnant on our honeymoon, she was already pregnant when you and Seth Kidnapped her 

Bayley- Finn Not Lying Cathy 

Cathy- SHUT UP YOU STUPID BITCH. Well regardless of whether that is the truth or not. You will be mine Finn, I will have you in my life and I will have your Children, NOT BAYLEY 

Finn- I Would never be with a Crazy, manipulative person like you let alone impregnate you.

Cathy- Then your precious Bayley and so called baby will have to deal with Seth 


Cathy- Sorry Finn you had your chance and blew it, Seth Punish that hugging bitch 

Seth held Bayley in his arms with Cathy giving him orders to hurt and punish her, he could do it that was his child Bayley was carrying he would risk hurting her or the baby.

Seth- NO 

Cathy- Excuse me 

Seth- I said No, Bayley is pregnant with my baby, I'm not punishing her 

Cathy- Finn said it not YOURS 

Seth- Well He is lying because it is mine, I can feel it 

Cathy- Fine if you won't punish her, Corbin will.

Corbin edged closer toward Seth and Bayley and immediately Seth was standing off against him.



Suddenly the two start brawling with one other, Bayley stands there helpless she can't escape, suddenly she sees Finn trying to grab the knife out of Cathy's hand but end up getting a vase thrown on his head knocking him out. Bayley stands there petrified as she sees Cathy walking towards her with the knife in her hand. Seth is quick to notice that Bayley is in trouble and pushes Corbin over the sofa before shielding Bayley from Cathy.

Cathy- Seth Step out of the way 

Seth- No Your not hurting Bayley or my child


Seth- NO 

As Seth screamed his answer at Cathy she drove the knife into his chest, Bayley screamed out as she realised Seth had been stabbed by Cathy. Cathy removed the knife from his chest before watching him fall to the floor right in front of her. She watches as pool of blood forms around Seth unaware that Corbin has just seen everything she did to Seth.

Corbin- Fucking hell Cathy, What did you do 

Cathy- I did what i had too 

Corbin- NO I'm out the plan was to never kill 

Cathy- I don't think your ever leave here 

Corbin- What do you mean i'll never leave 

As Cathy walked over to Corbin, Bayley ran to Finn side who was unconscious and tried to wake him up. Cathy placed her arm around Corbin before saying 

Cathy- Well you will, it just your be in a body bag 

Before Corbin had time to react she stabbed him three time in the stomach before throwing him down to were Seth was laying. 

Bayley realised Cathy had now killed Corbin and Seth and tried to get Finn awake.

Cathy- Oh Bayley where are you?

Cathy found Bayley huddled cradling her bump while sat next to Finn who was starting to come around. Cathy bend down and slapped Finn waking him up 

Cathy- Hello sleepy head she said trying to touch his face 

Finn- Don't touch me or Bayley

Cathy- There that tone again you know that i don't like tone Finn 


Cathy- Well I'm going to give you one last chance to be with me.


Cathy- Well if that the case then i'll crack on and end Bayleys life She said before dragging Bayley away from Finn by her ponytail 


Finn- NOOO he said struggling to get to his feet 

Cathy- I'm going to enjoy killing you most of all Bayley, say good bye to your wife and your bastard baby

Suddenly as Cathy raise the Knife up in the air getting ready to strike Bayley with it, Finn runs up behind her and grabs her hand trying to get the knife, Bayley watches on helplessly as she sees them both wrestling for the Knife, Suddenly the knife is thrusted downward and both Cathy and Finn freeze in a standing position whilst looking at each other before they suddenly both drop to the floor

Bayley- FINNNN

Both Finn and Cathy lay on the ground with blood pooling around them as Bayley runs to Finn's side before bursting into tears thinking that her husband and the father of her child Finn is dead, As she lays across his body, she suddenly hears a groan and Bayley look up to sees Finn is alive and Cathy is dead.

5 Years Later

Bayley and Finn relationship has gone from strength to strength since the Seth and Cathy saga, Bayley when on and gave birth to a beautiful Baby Boy called Kai Hunter Balor, and two year later had a Baby Girl called Lucy may Balor. As for Finn and Bayley they no longer wrestle in the Ring of WWE anymore however they are still a big part of WWE as they are Currently the GM and commissioner of Raw. Life couldn't be better for Finn and Bayley.


Well that's the end hope you guys enjoyed this book and do you think I should do another Baylor Book and if so what would you like it to be about???? Cause I really want to write another Baylor book but I don't know what the storyline should be. So if you have any ideas let me know down in the comments. Also Would you guys like to see a book or oneshot not yet decided on Sasha and Sheamus??? Let me Know. xxx

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