The Wedding From Hell

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It has been 3 months since Seth held Bayley hostage before shooting Finn. Finn made a speedy recovery after being shot and since coming out of hospital has been wedding planning with Bayley. As for Seth no one has seen him since he attempted to kidnap Bayley but Gallow and Anderson stopped him.

Today Was Finn and Bayley wedding, All of the guest had arrived and Finn was stood at the alter with his two best men Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson waiting for his Beautiful Fiancee soon to be Wife Bayley to arrive.

Sasha- You Ready?

She said stepping out of the vintage car before turning to face Bayley who was sat in the car.

Bayley- I'm Ready to become Mrs Balor 

Bayley walked into the church with her maid of honour Sasha and her two bridesmaids Charlotte and Becky following close behind her. As she got closer to the alter she noticed Finn turned round and smile at her, When she got to the alter she was met by the vicar and her soon to be husband Finn. Finn leaned in to Bayley,

Finn- You look Beautiful 

Bayley- Thanks 

Vicar- We are Gathered here today to witness the Marriage between these two people Finn and Bayley. Now  if there is anyone who objects to these two not being married speak now or forever hold your peace.


Bayley- Seth 

Vicar- Excuse Me can you tell me why you object to this Marriage 

Seth- Because She should Be with me and If you don't stop this wedding right now I will shoot ever one in this room he said holding a gun up to the vicar.

Finn- Just Leave Seth

Seth- Not Until I have Killed you and got My sweet Bayley, Now move aside Finn

Finn- No if you want Bayley you have to kill me first he said as he shielded Bayley behind him 

Suddenly as Seth pointing the gun in the direction of Finn and Bayley, Sasha jumped out of her seat and grabbed hold of the gun, Roman, Dean and Gallows and Anderson ran to help Sasha tackle Seth to the floor before pinning him down until the police arrived.

The Police soon arrived and Seth was arrested. As the police drag him out he was screaming at Bayley.

 Seth-I'll get you Bayley, you will be mine!

 Finn holds Bayley close to him watching Seth being dragged out of the church screaming his head off at Bayley. 

After Seth was out of the church, Finn turned to Bayley and Said 

Finn-Shall we get married now?

Bayley- Let do it 

Vicar- Do you Finn take Bayley to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward. For better for worse, for Richer for poorer,In sickness and in health. To have love and cherish till death do you part.

Finn- I Do

Vicar- Bayley Do you take Finn to be your lawfully wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward. For better for worse, for Richer for poorer,In sickness and in health. To have love and cherish till death do you part.

Bayley- I Do

Vicar- I now pronounce you Husband and Wife you may now kiss the bride

Finn wrapped his arm around Bayley before placing a tender loving kiss on her lips.

Finn Balor the Guy who I am secretly in love with is My Mixed Match PartnerWhere stories live. Discover now