Please Forgive Me

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After Last night Match and being told her Boyfriend had sex with her opponent and Best Friend Sasha Banks, Bayley decide to get up early and go throw herself into a work out with one of her close friend Seth Rollins. As Bayley and Seth were nearly finished with their workout, Finn turned up he saw Bayley with Seth and walked over to talk to her.

Finn- Hey Bayley Can we talk 

Bayley- Why? I said all I needed to say to you last night 

Finn- Please two minutes 

Bayley Stopped throwing the medicine ball against the wall and turn to face Finn.

Bayley- Give us Two minutes Seth 

Seth- Sure 

Bayley- Well why did you want to say?

Finn- I'm Sorry ok I know I fucked up big time but please just forgive me. 

Bayley- Look I will work with you and be civil with you for the sake of the MMC. So when we are in the ring I'll be your partner but the the minute we leave that stage I want nothing to do with you. I can't Forgive what you did to me, how embarrassed I am about what happened last night. 

Finn- I'm sorry i truly am. Well if we still partner for the MMC can we at least work out together to get ready for our upcoming match?

Bayley- Um No I'm gonna workout with Seth for a while. See you around 

Finn- Bye 

Finn watched as Bayley as she walked toward Seth, He watched them leave the gym as they were leaving Seth put his arm around Bayley. Finn saw this and it instantly made his blood boil. 

After the Gym Bayley and Seth went to get some coffee they were sat in the cafe when Seth decided to ask Bayley what Finn wanted to talk to her about.

Seth- Hey What were you and Finn talking about earlier 

Bayley- He want to workout with me as I'm his Partner for MMC 

Seth- So why don't you wanna workout with him?

Bayley- Because I feel it just a way to get me back, He broke our relationship and friendship when he slept with Sasha. I can't and I won't forgive him 

Seth- I get he has hurt you but do you not think you'll regret it over time?

Bayley- I don't know 

Seth- why don't you just give him another chance?

Bayley- No, because I know he will hurt me again and I'm not being made a fool of twice 

Tonight was Finn and Bayley Second Quarter-Final match against Carmella and R-Truth, Carmella and Bayley Were in the ring Bayley had just delivered a Bayley to Belly to Carmella and when to pin her, when she was grabbed from Behind by R-Truth and thrown in head first in to the turnbuckle. 

As R-Truth was mouthing off to Bayley he didn't realise Finn behind him. As R-Truth turned around he delivered a kick to his head causing Truth to fall flat on the ring before he delivered the Coup de Grace and pin him for the three count. When he had pinned R-Truth he went to check on Bayley who hadn't move since hitting the turnbuckle.

Finn- Bayley... Bayley Can you hear me?

Bayley- Yeah Ow What Happened?

Finn- Doesn't matter now lets get you to the Medics room. He said helping her out of the ring 

 Later after her Match Bayley was sat in the Medic room being check over after hitting her head on the turnbuckle. When Seth walked in.

Seth- How you feeling?

Bayley- Ok Just got a massive headache 

Seth- Truth had no right doing that 

Bayley- It Fine we won so it doesn't matter 

Suddenly Finn entered the medic room to check on his partner.

Finn- Hey How you feeling 

Bayley- Ok 

Finn- Well I see you around, Goodnight 

Bayley- Night 

Seth-Night Man. Hey you look like you might need some ice on that bump 

He said before going and fetching some ice and placing it on Bayley's Forehead.

Bayley- Ooh that Freezing 

Seth- Well it is Ice 

They both laughed before Seth took a seat and sat next to Bayley as he continued to hold the ice on her forehead, After 10 minutes Bayley was cleared to wrestles in the next round by the medics.Before she and Seth left the medics room Bayley stopped him.

Bayley- Thank you for sitting with me and for everything today 

Seth- No probs, anytime 

Bayley went in and hugged Seth before she pulled away from the hug she kissed Seth on the cheek

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Bayley went in and hugged Seth before she pulled away from the hug she kissed Seth on the cheek. He looked at Bayley and gazed into her eyes as she gazed into his as they slowly leaned closer to one another until their lips were almost touching. Seth gently grazed Bayley's lower lip with his lips before gently placing a kiss on her lips as he started kissing her slow and gentle. Bayley instantly melted in to the kiss and wrapped her arms round his neck as they locked into a passionate kiss. 

Seth kissed Bayley !!!! What Will Happen Next??? Will Seth and Bayley become more than friends??? How will Finn React if he finds Out ???? Will Bayley let Seth take her Virginity or does she still love Finn and wants him to be her first???? Will Sasha make another attempt to get Finn Back ???? Until Next Time xxx

Finn Balor the Guy who I am secretly in love with is My Mixed Match PartnerWhere stories live. Discover now